Promoting relations between Hanoi and Cambodia's localities in diverse areas

Thursday, 13/08/2020 16:55
Politburo member and Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Vuong Dinh Hue has showed his confidence that the cooperative and friendly relationship between Hanoi and Phnom Penh, and other Cambodian localities, will continuously and strongly develop.

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He made the statement during his reception for Cambodian Ambassador to Vietnam Chay Navuth on August 12.

At the reception (Photo: HNMO)

According to Secretary Vuong Dinh Hue, although Hanoi was seriously affected by COVID-19 in the first wave, it had not reported any fatalities. “In July alone, Hanoi welcomed nearly 100,000 citizens from infected areas before testing them and isolating all the cases,” he said. “The pandemic has been controlled well in Hanoi as the whole political system enters the fight to protect the health and life of the capital city’s residents, international organizations and foreign representative agencies in Hanoi.”

He noted that besides the fight against COVID-19, Hanoi was focusing on economic resumption and development. In the first half of this year, Hanoi economic growth was double compared to the national average.

“Hanoi is also preparing for the city 17th Party Congress,” he added. “Up to now, the city has successfully organized the grassroots Party Congresses and 84% of the above grassroots Party Congresses."

He suggested that Ambassador Chay Navuth and the Cambodian Embassy in Vietnam should continue to promote economic, trade, investment and tourism cooperation between the two sides, and expressed the desire that trade exchanges would soon return to normal and continue to be strengthened once the pandemic is under control.

He went on to say he hoped that Cambodia would create favourable conditions for Hanoi's businesses in particular and Vietnamese businesses in general to invest in Cambodia, contributing to the development of relations between the two countries. He also affirmed that Hanoi was willing to facilitate the operation of the Cambodian Embassy.

For his part, Ambassador Chay Navuth highly appreciated the efforts to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic in Hanoi, expressing his thanks for always facilitating the embassy’s operation.

The Ambassador also expressed his respect for the support of medical equipment from the Party, the Government and the people of Vietnam to Cambodia in the past time, saying that it significantly contributed to the efforts to prevent and fight COVID-19 in Cambodia.

Agreeing that he wishes to soon resume trade between the two countries, Ambassador Chay Navuth said he hoped to have the opportunity to meet with investors from Vietnam and Hanoi city in Cambodia to listen to their aspirations and investment plans./.

Compiled by BTA



