Foreign guests pay respect to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Foreign guests pay respect to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Foreign delegations have arrived at the funeral hall this morning to pay their respects to the late General Secretary.
Vietnam most affordable country for expats in 2024
Vietnam most affordable country for expats in 2024
According to an Expat Insider 2024 survey, Vietnam is the most affordable country for expats, ranking first in the survey’s Personal Finance Index...
Photos featuring Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s typical activities
Photos featuring Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s typical activities
The Party and State held a solemn ceremony at the Hanoi-based Military Central Hospital 108 on July 18 to confer the Gold Star Order on Party General...
Vietnam Summer Camp 2024 Overseas Vietnamese youth express gratitude to President Ho Chi Minh
Vietnam Summer Camp 2024: Overseas Vietnamese youth express gratitude to President Ho Chi Minh
Within the framework of the Vietnam Summer Camp 2024, the Youth Union and overseas Vietnamese students and youth on July 16 paid tribute to President...
Traditional brocade weaving of Dao people
Traditional brocade weaving of Dao people

(CPV) - The brocade weaving of the Dao ethnic minority people is a long-standing traditional craft that is being preserved and promoted for its cultural value in Cam Con commune, Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province.

Youngsters make contributions for a better life
Youngsters make contributions for a better life

Over the past month, hundreds of thousands of young summer volunteers in Ho Chi Minh City have set out to provinces, remote island communes and the Lao People's Democratic Republic to carry out many practical and meaningful projects. Youth volunteers in Ho Chi Minh City have contributed to changing the appearance and life of people in the places where they have visited.

Highlands area famous for banana specialty
Highlands area famous for banana specialty

(CPV) – With its high quality, bananas in Hong Cam village, Cam Con commune, Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province have become a four-star OCOP (one commune one product) product, promising hope of a new livelihood for local people.

Unique rice in bamboo tube in Vietnam’s northwest region
Unique rice in bamboo tube in Vietnam’s northwest region

Visitors exploring the northwest region of Vietnam can immerse themselves in diverse cultures and cuisines. A standout culinary delight in this area is "cơm lam," also known as rice in bamboo tubes. This dish, originating from the Thai ethnic group, features glutinous rice cooked inside bamboo tubes, imparting a unique fragrance and flavor.

Vietnam’s tourism aims to be economic driver by 2045
Vietnam’s tourism aims to be economic driver by 2045

The tourism plan for 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2045, was approved by the Prime Minister under Decision No. 509/QD-TTg dated June 13, 2024. The ultimate objective is for tourism to solidify its position as a key economic driver by 2045, elevating Vietnam to a prominent global destination and one of the leading tourism-developed countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum
Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

On June 20, within the framework of his official visit to Vietnam, Russian President Vladimir Putin laid a wreath and visited President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum and the Monument of Fallen Soldiers and Heroes on Bac Son Street, Hanoi.

Beauty of Mu Cang Chai terraced fields in flood season
Beauty of Mu Cang Chai terraced fields in flood season

At this season, the terraced fields in Mu Cang Chai district, Yen Bai province seem to be wearing a new, sparkling shirt. The color of the brown soil blends with the blue sky and sparkling water surface, under the bright golden sunlight, all create a captivating picture.

Export-import turnover up 16 6 in January-May
Export-import turnover up 16.6% in January-May

The total export-import turnover in the first five months of this year reached 305.53 billion USD, marking a 16.6% year-on-year increase. Exports and imports saw rises of 15.2% and 18.2%, respectively.

Transport infrastructure contributes to development of Ho Chi Minh City and southern provinces
Transport infrastructure contributes to development of Ho Chi Minh City and southern provinces

Throughout the 49 years since national reunification (April 30, 1975 - 2024), Ho Chi Minh City has been constantly developing, making many important contributions to the southern key economic region, for the overall development of the country. Besides economic and social development, remarkable development in transport infrastructure has been reported, contributing to the urban face of the city.

Quang Ninh promotes community tourism development
Quang Ninh promotes community tourism development

Quang Ninh province is expanding its tourism focus to include community tourism, especially in mountainous areas, to diversify its offerings, attract more visitors, increase earnings, and improve local living standards.

Lai Chau developing tourism associated with forest protection
Lai Chau developing tourism associated with forest protection

Tam Duong district in the north-western mountainous province of Lai Chau is renowned for mountains being among the highest ones in Vietnam. Boasting pristine and majestic natural landscapes, especially the blooming Rhododendron flowers in March and April, the mountains are attractive destinations for nature lovers. To leverage the local strengths, Tam Duong district has been developing hiking tourism linked with forest protection.

Vietnam actively participates in int’l commitments on biodiversity
Vietnam actively participates in int’l commitments on biodiversity

Vietnam has made numerous efforts towards comprehensively addressing biodiversity threats since joining the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1994. Such efforts include improving legal frameworks, actively engaging in cooperation, learning from international experience, and creating conditions for the development of domestic biodiversity conservation facilities.

Vietnam striving to combat IUU fishing
Vietnam striving to combat IUU fishing

After conducting its fourth inspection, the European Commission (EC)’s inspection team acknowledged Vietnam’s efforts in combating illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, with localities in the central region implementing synchronised solutions to thoroughly address the EC’s recommendations regarding such fishing.

Visiting Uncle Ho s memorial area in Van Xuan
Visiting Uncle Ho's memorial area in Van Xuan

(CPV) - At the memorial area of President Ho Chi Minh in Van Xuan commune (Tam Nong, Phu Tho), his sacred and warm image is always kept in the hearts of local people.

Nearly 45,000 visitors offer incense at relics on Uncle Ho’s birthday
Nearly 45,000 visitors offer incense at relics on Uncle Ho’s birthday

Numerous people and tourists visited and offered incense at locations in the northeastern mountainous province of Tuyen Quang such as the Tan Trao Special National Historic Site (Son Duong district), Nguyen Tat Thanh Square (Tuyen Quang City) and Kim Binh Special National Historical Relic (Chiem Hoa district) on the occasion of the 134th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890 - 2024).

Exploring Lai Chau from highest glass bridge of Vietnam
Exploring Lai Chau from highest glass bridge of Vietnam

(CPV) - Standing at an altitude of over 2,000 meters, gazing at the Northwest mountains and forests from Rong May glass bridge, the highest of Vietnam, is a truly impressive experience for every first-time visitor to Tam Duong district, Lai Chau province.

Foreign tourist arrivals up 68 3 in first 4 months
Foreign tourist arrivals up 68.3% in first 4 months

Facilitative visa policies and attractive tourism stimulus programmes have proven effective in attracting a high number of international visitors to Vietnam compared to the same period last year.

Bronze statue of Uncle Ho with Dien Bien Phu campaign on display
Bronze statue of Uncle Ho with Dien Bien Phu campaign on display

The art exhibition commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of Dien Bien Phu introduces 70 paintings and statues by 57 artists and sculptors on Dien Bien Phu victory - the pinnacle of the resistance war against the French colonialists. The highlight of the exhibition is the bronze statue Uncle Ho with Dien Bien Phu campaign by Nguyen Phu Cuong.

Youngsters join hands to preserve traditional outfits
Youngsters join hands to preserve traditional outfits

With a desire to preserve and promote the cultural values of traditional outfits, youngsters from the Department of Journalism and Writing at the University of Hanoi Culture organised an arts programme reviving the clothing of the later Le Dynasty, attracting students from various universities around the capital.

Kien Giang prioritising agricultural production towards resilience
Kien Giang prioritising agricultural production towards resilience

The Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang is among localities significantly impacted by climate change, particularly drought and saltwater intrusion. In response to these pressing issues, it has prioritised agricultural production with a focus on resilience, developing various production models tailored to its circumstances.