Thailand's airport among world’s six most beautiful in 2024

Friday, 15/11/2024 20:45
Suvarnabhumi airport's Midfield Satellite Terminal 1 (SAT-1) has been named one of the world's most beautiful airports for 2024 by Prix Versailles, said Thai Transport Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit.
At the Suvarnabhumi airport (Photo: Xinhua)

Six airport projects were recognised for their aesthetic qualities and impact on the travel experience of users in five countries by Prix Versailles, a series of architectural competitions that have been announced by UNESCO each year since 2015.

The six airports will be competing for three 2024 world titles, Prix Versailles, Interior and Exterior. The winners will be announced at the UNESCO headquarters on December 2, according to Suriya.

The five others are Zayed International Airport Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates; Felipe Ángeles International Airport Zumpango, Mexico; Terminal 2 Changi of Changi Airport, Singapore; Logan International Airport Terminal, and Kansas City International Airport, both in the US.

According to the award's website, the official list is in line with the principles of intelligent sustainability, taking the projects' ecological, social, and cultural impacts into consideration./.

CPV (Source: VNA)




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