Thailand: vote recounts bring no change to election results

Monday, 12/06/2023 15:09
Election recounts ordered at 47 polling stations across Thailand progressed without a hitch on June 11, with early results suggesting no change to the outcome of the May 15 poll.
Thailand: vote recounts bring no change to election results (Photo:

Earlier, the Election Commission (EC) of Thailand ordered the recounts after discovering a mismatch between the total number of votes cast and the voter turnout in the elections.

Six of the 47 stations where mismatches were recorded are in Bangkok. Nation TV reports that the six Bangkok stations began their recounts just before midday, with station committees, the media, and public observers present to watch out for any fraud.

At Bangkok election District No 5’s seventh polling station, two previously uncounted ballot papers were discovered, bringing the total number of votes counted to the same as the turnout. The missing votes, which were for the United Thai Nation Party and Move Forward Party, did not affect the overall result.

Meanwhile, all the 37 missing votes at Bangkok No 1 district’s third polling station were found in the recount.

Pongjakarin Thawornphong, Pom Prap Sattru Phai district office director, said the error in the first count could have resulted from the polling station’s committee repeating votes during the count. The additional 37 votes had no effect on the original result.

Besides, 41 stations in other provinces have also begun recounts, with the updated results expected within this month./.

CPV (Source: VNA)




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