General To Lam offers flowers and incense to commemorate President Ho Chi Minh in Nghe An

Tuesday, 14/05/2024 10:22
On May 12, the delegation of the Central Public Security Party Committee, the Ministry of Public Security led by General To Lam, Politburo member, Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee and Minister of Public Security, respectfully offered flowers and incense to commemorate President Ho Chi Minh at Kim Lien Relic Area in the central province of Nghe An.
General To Lam offers flowers and incense to commemorate President Ho Chi Minh in Nghe An province. (Source: 

The ceremony was carried out on the occasion of the 134th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 2024) and the Lotus Village Festival in 2024.

General To Lam and the delegation of the Central Public Security Party Committee, the Ministry of Public Security and leaders of Nghe An province offered flowers and incense to President Ho Chi Minh at the Kim Lien Relic Area.

Also attending the ceremony were members of the Party Central Committee: Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang, Deputy Minister of Public Security; Thai Thanh Quy, Secretary of Nghe An Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Nghe An Provincial People's Council, Head of Nghe An provincial National Assembly Delegation and comrades in the Central Public Security Party Committee, representatives of department leaders; units under the Ministry of Public Security and leaders of Nghe An province.

Offering fragrant incense to the spirit of President Ho Chi Minh, Minister To Lam and the delegation expressed their sincere respect and infinite gratitude for the great contributions of President Ho Chi Minh, the great leader of our Party, our people.

During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh always gave special attention to People's Public Security officers and soldiers, taking care of building a People's Public Security force absolutely loyal to the Fatherland, the Party, the State and the people; serving the people; and building the force as the core force in protecting national security and order.

Over the past many years, officers and soldiers in the entire People's Public Security force have always shown that they study and follow Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics and style in association with the movement of studying and implementing Uncle Ho's six teachings as a regular job, with important implications for the Party building work, building a clean, strong, regular, elite, modern Police force that meets the requirements of the proposed duties. 

On this occasion, at the cultural house of Kim Lien commune, Nam Dan district, Minister To Lam and the delegation presented  gifts to Vietnamese Heroic Mothers; 16 people with meritorious services and typical policy families; 20 commune police of Nghe An Police in particularly difficult circumstances.

Also on this occasion, doctors and nurses from August 19 Hospital, Traditional Medicine Hospital under the Ministry of Public Security coordinated with local units to organize medical examination, treatment and free medicine distribution for policy families and poor households in Nam Dan district, Nghe An province./.

Compiled by BTA



