Lao theoretical journal praises 60-year Laos-Vietnam diplomatic relationship

Tuesday, 18/10/2022 14:37
Alunmay magazine, the theoretical journal of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, September 2022 issue, published an article praising Laos-Vietnam diplomatic relations, affirmed that throughout the past 60 years, the spirit of fighting solidarity, and the fraternal friendship between the two peoples of Laos and Vietnam has always been nurtured and never ceased to bear fruit.
Article on Alunmay, the theoretical journal of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, September 2022 issue (Photo: NDO) 

According to the article, currently, Laos has diplomatic relations with 143 countries, of which Vietnam is the only one country Laos has a special relationship with. The special relationship between Laos and Vietnam was not born by chance, but has been documented in terms of history, geography and many other important factors.

During the past 60 years, the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Laos and Vietnam were not born by chance, but were created by the great President Ho Chi Minh, President Kaysone Phomvihane, and the beloved President Souphanouvong, the predecessors of the two countries, laid the foundation, which has been inherited by generations to this day, becoming a relationship that is hard to find in the history of international relations.

Laos and Vietnam established diplomatic relations on September 5, 1962. During the past 60 years, the spirit of fighting solidarity and the fraternal friendship between the two peoples of Laos and Vietnam has always been cultivated and constantly blossomed, reflected in the process of standing side by side in the war, fighting against a common enemy until a new regime was built. After the country was liberated, the special relationship between Laos and Vietnam was further promoted, comprehensively developed and deepened.

The article analyzed that, during the period of the national-democratic revolution, along with the long and heroic struggle, the Laos-Vietnam fraternal fighting alliance on the armed front, the two countries still cooperated and coordinated with each other in international forums to enlist international support for the just struggle of the two peoples.

During the period of national defense and development, the two countries have continued to closely coordinate and support each other in many aspects.

On July 18, 1977, Laos and Vietnam signed an Agreement of Friendship and Cooperation. Since then, the comprehensive cooperation between Laos-Vietnam, Vietnam-Laos has started a new era under new conditions.

In 1986, Laos and Vietnam carried out the doi moi policy declared in practice.

Currently, the two countries continue to promote the special relationship of solidarity and comprehensive cooperation in both breadth and depth, both at the central and local levels for the benefit of the two peoples and have made achievements in many fields: politics-diplomacy; human resource training; defence security; economy, trade and investment; culture, society and health.

The article affirmed that the relationship between the two countries has become a great friendship, special solidarity, and a pure model in international relations, as the leaders of the two countries have assessed: the Laos-Vietnam, Vietnam-Laos special relationship is incomparable, an invaluable heritage of the two countries, and has become a rule in the existence and development of the two countries.

Besides the good results, the article also points out that the relationship between the two countries still has some issues that need to be further resolved, including the fact that economic cooperation still has some limitations, being not commensurate with its potential.

In order to continue to protect and cultivate the ever-growing great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Laos and Vietnam, the article also recommended that in the coming time, it is necessary to focus on educating cadres, civil servants and people, especially the young generation, about the tradition of special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

At the same time, the two sides need to actively and proactively research, connect and effectively organize the implementation of agreements and decisions of the two Politburos, two Governments, branches and localities of the two countries; working closely to solve problems with sincerity, trusting each other as brotherly comrades.

The two sides need to pay attention to research and adjust regulations and mechanisms to suit the special relationship, and to be consistent with the regulations of regional and international integration.

The article also emphasized that, in the current conditions, the two sides need to continue to protect the special relationship and solidarity for a long and lasting stability, with a sense of vigilance and proactive prevention and control of all destructive plots of hostile forces; while enhancing cooperation and coordination in regional and international forums./.

Compiled by BTA



