“Woodcut in the digital age” exhibition in Hanoi

Monday, 10/09/2012 16:23

(CPV)An exhibition titled “Woodcut in the digital age” by the famous international artist Christiane Baumgartner is taking place at the Goethe Institute in Hanoi from September 8 to September 30, 2012.

Christiane Baumgartner, born in 1967, studied from 1988 to 1994 at the School of Visual Arts in Leipzig and from 1997 to 1999 at the Royal College of Art, London. Her main artistic medium is printmaking. Particularly well known are her woodcuts. Christiane Baumgartner is internationally known and has been honoured with awards, her works are in museums in Leipzig, Vienna, London, New York, and Amsterdam.

The 50 art works are woodcuts taken from digital pictures and video-stills, as series and large-format single pieces. For 10 years Christiane Baumgartner has been working with woodcut based on selected video stills. By varying the widths of the lines she get an image in various shades of gray. When viewed close uo the lineation seems abstract, almost like reading an information line; the futher one is away from the picture, the more recognisable it gets. The time factor is important and the contrast between the slow time-consuming technique of cutting in wood and the motifs, which are often related to speed, such as highways and airplanes.

The German graphic artist will be a guest resident in Hanoi for three months from September 1st. She is the first artist to be awarded the newly created annual residency grant, presented by the Cultural Foundation of Saxony and organized jointly with the Goethe Institute in Vietnam.

Known internationally for her large-scale innovative woodcuts, she will immerse herself in the culture and the arts scene in Vietnam, going in search of traditional wood carving and sharing her experiences on the art of woodcuts with young artists.

These are some pictures of the exhibition:




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