Hanoians with the bird breeding hobby

Tuesday, 18/09/2012 10:43

Breeding birds has been a long-time hobby of Hanoians. Hoang Hoa Tham bird market attracts hundreds of people, coming to buy or enjoy birds singing everyday.

Some photos taken of Hoang Hoa Tham Street, alive with the sounds of songs as birds of all shapes and sizes sit in cages hanging from shop fronts.

Starting from 6 or 7 am, Hoang Hoa Tham bird market attract people of
all classes in Hanoi coming to see and buy birds

Unlike most markets in Hanoi, the bird market in Hoang Hoa Tham Street
is not noisy and hectic. Many people come here just to talk and see the birds

Market is full, but it is not true that everyone can sell their birds. Two men
trading pet chickens have no customers so they let the two birds fight

Many men's hobby of bird breeding is supported by their wives, simply because of
the thought: “Rather have him in the house raising birds than going out doing nothing!”

We cannot explain why men like raising birds, but we know that they can
 take birds anywhere, and often brings birds to cafés for bird singing contests

Due to the popularity of bird breeding, many other businesses appeared such as
 cricket breeding, worm breeding, and making bird cages

Some people say that this bird breeding hobby hurts the environment,
capturing wild animals, but it is difficult to end to this hobby
and the passion of bird fans




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