A day on heroic Nam Yet Island

Tuesday, 16/04/2013 10:19

Nam Yet Island is situated to the north of the Truong Sa (Spratly) Archipelago of the central province of Khanh Hoa. From the high point, the island is covered by a prosperous green thanks to the healthy arms of cadres and soldiers on the island.

Nam Yet Island is called “the kingdom of papaya” at sea. However, there is not only papaya on the island, but also coconut which is used to improve their diet, while their leaves are used to make brooms to cover vegetables from the wind and sun.

 A new peaceful day on Nam Yet Island
 Cadres and soldiers parade
 Young soldiers are as healthy as a firm tree in front of storms and difficulties to protect the nation’s seas and sky.
 The sand area is opener each year.
 As soldiers are hard-working, the gardens are always green despite
strong winds and storms.

 Papaya on Nam Yet Islan is big and sweet.
 Green beans are kept under the sand and watered for three days to provide soldiers with beansprouts to eat.
 The rainy water is very precious on the island.
 Ebullient sports activities by soldiers each afternoon.
 Nam Yet Island sunset




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