Spratly archipelago soldiers enlarge vegetable area

Friday, 07/06/2013 08:46

In harsh climate conditions, limited area and with a shortage of water, over the past years, cadres and soldiers on the Spratly archipelago have carried out diverse solutions to produce vegetables, improving their diets. So far a majority of islands on the archipelago have produced enough vegetables for daily use.


 Loopah on An Bang island ready to be harvested. 

 Soldiers on Toc Tan Island take advantage of areas to plant vegetables.



 Types of vegetables that are the soldiers’ favourites during summer.


 Vegetables on a frame house  

 Pigs and some kinds of poultry are raised on some islands to satisfy the need for food.

Coconuts on the island

Vegetables on the archipelago must be covered to avoid wind and salty sand.

Vegetables are enough for soldiers’ demand as they are cared for carefully.




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