Dao San market in northwest mountains

Friday, 21/06/2013 09:03

Located at the centre of eight communes in the northern border district of Phong Tho, Lai Chau province, Dao San market has played an important role in the spiritual life of the Mong, Dao and Ha Nhi ethnic people for a long time.

The market, held every Sunday, is located at the height of 1,600m above sea level. Coming to the market, the tourists always have fun, in the midst of the dramatic landscape and friendly local people. In addition, visitors will have a chance to enjoy some dishes unique to the northwest mountains.

The market is a major trading outlet for the locals, where products such as bamboo shoots, chickens, chayote, petroleum, cloth and other daily items are available.

 Multi coloured brocade dresses at the market

 Having a heart-to heart talk

 Having many choices

 Despite the ups and downs of life, Dao San Market is always
a festival for local people

 Going to market is a chance to dress in new clothes

 Group by group, Mong, Ha Nhi, Dao and Thai ethnic boys and girls
 in colourful dress converge at the market

 A corner to sell plain rice flan

 A corner to sell brocade products

 Market is also fun for the children

 A corner of Dao San Market

 Simple goods

 A corner to sell carrying baskets

 Floating cakes of the highlands

 The San Dao market, the tourist see the the mountain scenery
 and spectacular unspoiled forests




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