Fidel Castro: Unforgettable memories

Monday, 23/09/2013 15:45

(CPV) - Forty years ago, in September 1973 when the war was taking place fiercely, Cuban leader Fidel Castro paid a historic visit to Vietnam’s liberated southern region to share the loss and sacrifice of the Vietnamese people. The highly significant visit became a symbol of the revolutionary heroism and of the loyal and pure relation between Vietnam and Cuba.

On the occasion of the 40th celebration of the establishment of Vietnam – Cuba diplomatic ties, we introduce readers some images of the special visit.

 Fidel and Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Van Dong in September 1973


 Fidel visiting Vietnamese soldiers


 The brave and humanitarian leader visited Vietnamese battlefields.

Vietnamese soldiers welcomed the Cuban leader.

Fidel in Vietnam in September 1973

Vietnamese battlefield in September 1973

Fidel talking with Vietnamese leaders.




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