Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap's last visit to Dien Bien

Wednesday, 09/10/2013 18:21

In April 2004, on the occasion of 50th anniversary of Dien Bien Phu campaign victory, General Vo Nguyen Giap paid his last visit to historical Dien Bien Phu battlefield at the age of 92.

 General Vo Nguyen Giap waved hello Dien Bien compatriots from the airplane

 General passed the honour guard troops in review

 General Vo Nguyen Giap warmly asked about the health of the elderly

 General Vo Nguyen Giap presented gifts for residents in Dien Bien district

In the headquarters for the Dien Bien Phu campaign in Muong Phang
town, Lieutenant General Tran Van Quang recounted the mission
of the Dien Bien Phu campaign to General Vo Nguyen Giap

 He talked with youth union members

 The General visited Muong Thanh Bridge

 General and his youngest son Vo Hong Nam visited at the
French General De Castries’ bunker

 General visited A1 Hill martyr’s cemetery, Dien Bien Phu City

 The General planted a banyan tree at the headquarters for the Dien Bien Phu
campaign in Muong Phang town, Dien Bien district




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