Romantic beauty of Hue in early autumn

Thursday, 14/08/2014 16:46

Tourists will be attracted by the calm autumn weather in Hue city. After a short burst of rain the sky is clear and blue and the air is clean and cool. Sunrise and sunset is beautiful to behold.


 Evening on Nhu Y River. The river is a small branch of Huong River.


 The river attracts tourists by its peaceful and natural beauty.


 Fishermen catch small fish on Nhu Y river.

 Sunrise on Nhu Y river


 Returning to the Huong river and tourists will take in the history of Bao Vinh ancient quarter with it’s unique architecture.


 Smoke from cooking beside the Huong river


 Tam Giang lagoon where the three large rivers of O Lau, Huong and Bo meet before heading out to sea through the Thuan An sea gate.


 Sunset after rain on the Tam Giang lagoon.


 Apart from Tam Giang lagoon, Sam lagoon in Phu Vang district is a famous ecological tourism site.

 It is famous for fish. Tourists can ride boats to floating houses to enjoy fresh seafood and experience river life.




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