Stranded Vietnamese citizens in US to be brought home on May 7th

Wednesday, 06/05/2020 16:12
A Vietnam Airlines plane is scheduled to bring home Vietnamese citizens who are stranded in the US due to the COVID-19 pandemic, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Vietnamese citizens brought home from UAE

Photo for illustration (Source:

Accordingly, the Vietnamese Embassy and representative agencies in the US in collaboration with relevant US agencies have provided Vietnam Airlines with necessary procedures for a flight to take off at an earliest possible time.

Currently, the Airlines has completed all necessary procedures at the request of the US, and is expected to operate the special flight on May 7th.

The Ministry requested that Vietnamese citizens continue to strictly abide by epidemic prevention regulations in their host country as well as guidance of Vietnamese representative agencies in the US. 

The Consulate General of Vietnam in San Francisco and other Vietnamese representative agencies in the US have been making every effort to assist citizens with their residence, travel and disease prevention during their stay in San Francisco waiting for the flight.

They should contact the Vietnamese Embassy in the US at 001.202.716.8666/001.202.999.6938/ 001.202.999.6589, the Vietnamese General Consulate in San Francisco at 001.415.619.2951/001.415.319.5446, the Vietnamese General Consulate in Houston at 001.346.775.0555, or the Vietnamese Consular Department at +84.981.84.84.84./.





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