Association upholds spirit of patriotism, solidarity towards homeland

Sunday, 28/01/2024 09:45
(CPV) – The congress called on the entire Vietnamese business community abroad to uphold the spirit of patriotism, solidarity, and towards the homeland and roots; actively innovate collective activities, attract the community, effectively promote the role as a bridge and develop cooperative relationships in all fields.
Participants at the event. (Photo: CPV)

The Overseas Vietnamese Businessmen Association on January 27 held its 4th congress in Ho Chi Minh City to review its operations in the 2018-2023 tenure and set out directions and tasks for the 2023-2028 period.

Since 2009, through three congresses, the association has built a network of members in 40 countries and territories and is growing stronger day by day, truly being the center of solidarity for associations and business branches of Vietnamese people around the world.

It serves as a bridge for trade and investment promotion cooperation between Vietnamese entrepreneurs and businesses abroad; foreign businesses and partners with domestic businesses and entrepreneurs.

Nguyen Manh Dong, Vice Chairman of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs speaking at the event. (Photo: CPV)

Speaking at the event, Nguyen Manh Dong, Vice Chairman of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs, affirmed that the Party and State always consider the Vietnamese community abroad as an inseparable part of the nation, and that the community’s growth will contribute to affirming the country's position.

He acknowledged and thanked the association for its positive and important contributions to economic growth as well as other achievements of the homeland.

The association had many practical and effective activities, especially of trade promotion and those to connect businesses, and developed distribution channels for Vietnamese goods abroad, he said.

The Executive Committee of the Overseas Vietnamese Businessmen Association for the 2023-2028 term  makes debut. (Photo: CPV)

It actively mobilised 200 billion VND (over 8.1 million USD) from OVs and businesses to support volunteer activities, especially during the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in the homeland, he added.

Dong expressed his belief that the association will constantly strive to innovate activities, strengthen solidarity to accomplish its set goals.

He pledged that the committee will continue to closely accompany the association and all of its members, striving to build an increasingly strong community of Vietnamese people abroad, contributing to promoting industrialisation, modernisation and international integration of Vietnam.

The congress elected the Executive Committee of the Overseas Vietnamese Businessmen Association for the 2023-2028 term with 43 members and the Inspection Committee with 5 members. In particular, the Standing Committee includes 17 members, 9 Vice Presidents, 1 Secretary General. Mr. Nguyen Hong Hue (Peter Hong) was trusted to be elected President of the Overseas Vietnamese Businessmen Association for the 2023-2028 term.

Mr. Nguyen Hong Hue, President of the Overseas Vietnamese Businessmen Association for the 2023-2028 term speaking at the closing of the congress. (Photo: CPV) 

Speaking at the closing of the congress, Mr. Nguyen Hong Hue, President of the Overseas Vietnamese Businessmen Association for the 2023-2028 term, said, with the spirit of “Innovation - Solidarity - Creativity and sustainable development”, the congress discussed and approved the documents of the Association’s Executive Committee for the 2018-2023 term submitted to the Congress.

The congress also objectively evaluated the situation and current status of its activities in the past term, analyzed advantages and disadvantages, clearly identified causes and drew profound lessons, which are the premise for deciding on directions, tasks and solutions for the 2023-2028 term and the following years.

The congress passed a resolution emphasising the need for innovation in organisation and operations, and expanding operation towards forming a global network to further promote cooperation between Vietnam and other countries in the fields of economics, trade, science and technology./.




