Dien Bien Phu Victory celebration held in France

Tuesday, 16/04/2024 15:55
A ceremony was held in Paris on April 13 by the Vietnamese Embassy in France to mark the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory.
At the event. (Photo: VNA)

The event was attended by scholars, researchers, Vietnamese people, and French friends.

Speaking at the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang said that 70 years have gone by, the wounds of war have been healed and now peace and friendship prevail, yet the memory of the campaign remains fresh, according to the Vietnam News Agency.

He described international solidarity, especially French people’s great support for Vietnam during its past struggle for national independence and peace, as a firm foundation to build the friendship and cooperation between the two countries, expressing his hope that the two peoples will carry forward the tradition in the time ahead.

Taylan Coskun, Politburo member of the French Communist Party (PCF), recalled PCF members’ efforts against the Indochina war, and for Vietnamese people’s struggle for national independence and freedom. On this occasion, he called on people of goodwill to courageously oppose wars and to act for peace, justice, and cooperation among nations.

Earlier, a roundtable was held by the embassy in coordination with Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University and the French Defense Audiovisual Agency (ECPAD). During the roundtable, journalists, scholars, researchers, film directors, and war veterans gave multi-dimensional perspectives on the Dien Bien Phu battle.

In addition, a documentary by ECPAD screened at the event presented flashbacks of the campaign to the more than 100 participants./. 




