Vietnam’s 79th National Day celebrated in Cuba

Wednesday, 04/09/2024 15:47
A ceremony was jointly held by the Cuban Institute of Friendship with Peoples (ICAP) and the Vietnamese Embassy in Cuba to celebrate Vietnam’s 79th National Day, the 55th anniversary of implementing President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament, and the 55th anniversary of his passing, in Havana on September 2.
Vietnamese Ambassador to Cuba Le Quang Long and Head of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) Fernando González Llort offer flowers at Ho Chi Minh Park in Havana (Photo: Vietnamese Embassy in Cuba)

Speaking at the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to Cuba Le Quang Long affirmed that over the past 79 years, Vietnam’s National Day has been a great source of encouragement for generations of Vietnamese people in national development and international integration.

Uncle Ho's testament, with its timeless value, not only influences generations of young Vietnamese today but will forever be a source of inspiration for them to study and follow his moral example, ideology and lifestyle, he stated.

He thanked the Party, Government and people of Cuba for their strong support, solidarity and heartfelt assistance to Vietnam over the past decades, and affirmed that the fraternal relationship between Vietnam and Cuba will live forever.

For his part, Head of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) Fernando González Llort highlighted the significance of the National Day when President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence, founding the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

He affirmed that President Ho Chi Minh's Testament has always been the guideline and a foundation for the Vietnamese people and the Communist Party of Vietnam to achieve sustainable development, making Vietnam a strong country with prosperous people and a fair, democratic, civilized society.

He expressed his belief that Vietnam will steadfastly advance on the path of building a modern, developed, and prosperous nation, just as President Ho Chi Minh always expected.

He emphasized the special friendship and solidarity between the Cuban and Vietnamese peoples, which has been diligently nurtured by the leaders and citizens of both countries through generations./.




