“Vietnamese Village” Family Festival held in Washington

Wednesday, 14/08/2024 10:36
An event named “Vietnamese Village Festival in D.C.” has been held by the Trade Union and the Spouses Association of the Vietnamese Embassy and the representative offices of Vietnamese agencies in Washington D.C. for all families of their staff and employees.
Delegates at the event (Photo: baoquocte.vn)

The annual event is an opportunity to encourage and reward the children of staff and employees for their efforts in studying and striving during the year, and for all members of the “Vietnamese Village to meet, have fun, strengthen ties, and care for and help each other.

This year’s event was held at Rock Creek Park with the participation of more than 150 people on August 11.

At the event, the participants enthusiastically participated in many interesting activities such as group dance performances, playing games, sports competition and children enjoyed coloring models, playing with clay and doing crafts.

In addition, the participants together also enjoyed outdoor barbecue dishes./. 





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