Nikkei Asia highly appreciates Vietnam's recovery speed

Monday, 06/06/2022 16:36
Nikkei Asia newspaper on June 3 announced the COVID-19 Recovery Index for May 2022, saying that Vietnam and the Philippines are the two countries with the best progress, as both countries are making efforts to relax restrictive regulations to prevent the pandemic, and efforts to maintain a low level of disease transmission.

Vietnam’s economic growth driven by good recovery of sectors: WB

COVID-19 vaccination in Vietnam (Photo:

According to updated data, Nikkei has upgraded Vietnam's ranking to 14th place, up 48 places compared to the previous month's ranking. The Republic of Korea and Cambodia lead Asian countries in the COVID-19 Recovery Index.

In an article on June 3, Nikkei Asia stated that with more than 80% of the population fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and 60% of the population receiving increased shots, Vietnam received 27 on a 30-point scale for vaccine coverage. Nikkei also emphasized that Vietnam is the first country in Southeast Asia to waive all regulations on testing, vaccination and isolation for foreign tourists./.

Compiled by BTA




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