Russian students excited to learn about Vietnam

Monday, 23/09/2024 11:21
A competition to learn about Vietnam was held at the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Moscow State University (MGU) on September 21 with the participation of many Russian students in the form of a multimedia test.
At the contest (Photo: NDO)

Doctor in history of the MGU’s Institute of Asian and African Countries Maksim Alekseievich said that this was the first time the institute has organized a competition to learn about Vietnam. The competition aims to help students and those interested in research and learn about the culture and history of Vietnam. The competition also includes many aspects of knowledge and entertainment to attract Russian students to this Eastern country.

During two hours, contestants will have access to questionnaires and rich images about culture, history, geography, cuisine and other information about Vietnamese life. These questionnaires are not just simple multiple choice questions, but provide interesting and memorable information about Vietnam.

Nikita Luxenko, a student at MGU, shared that this is an interesting competition that helps students learn more about Vietnam with a flexible approach, helping them feel excited about studying and researching. Many Russian students have achieved high scores after the rounds of competition about Vietnamese culture and history./.





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