Vietnam’s budget transparency ranking jumps 11 places

Thursday, 04/07/2024 10:46
The results of the 2023 Open Budget Survey (OBS 2023) by the International Budget Partnership (IBP) showed that Vietnam’s budget transparency ranking continued to rise to 57th out of 125 countries, an increase of 11 places compared to the 2021 evaluation and a rise of 20 places compared to 2019.

The information was announced by the Ministry of Finance on July 3. Notably, all pillars have scores higher than the global average and have improved since 2021: budget transparency scored 51 out 100 points (the global average is 45 out of 100 points, an increase of 7 points compared to 2021); public participation scored 19 out of 100 points (the global average is 15 out of 100 points, an increase of 2 points compared to 2021); budget oversight scored 82 out of 100 points (the global average is 62 out of 100 points, an increase of 2 points compared to 2021).

Photo for illustration. (Source: 

The OBS 2023 ranking results show Vietnam’s determination and efforts in enhancing budget transparency through the availability of budget documents and full, accurate and timely disclosure of information in the entire budget process, from the estimate submitted to the National Assembly, the estimate approved by the National Assembly, the implementation situation during the year, and the balance approved by the National Assembly.

Specifically, in Vietnam’s OBS 2023 results, three documents achieved high scores, including the Citizens Budget Report (scoring a maximum of 100 points), the State Budget Estimates approved by the National Assembly (scoring 83 out of 100 points), and the In-year Budget Implementation Report (scoring 78 out of 100 points).

To achieve this result, the Ministry of Finance has implemented a mechanism to directly collect people’s opinions on the draft state budget estimate submitted to the National Assembly and develop a citizen budget report for this document, before the National Assembly decides on the state budget estimate.

The state budget disclosure portal at is regularly upgraded to timely provide information and state budget data and support convenient lookup, according to different information dimensions. At the same time, it is ready to receive comments from organizations and individuals in the process of developing state budget documents to submit to competent authorities for consideration and decision.

Currently, the Ministry of Finance is conducting surveys to evaluate the implementation of local budget transparency as stipulated by the 2015 State Budget Law. These surveys aim to identify difficulties and obstacles promptly, gather suggestions and recommendations from local authorities, and understand the needs and expectations of citizens regarding budget information.

The Open Budget Survey is an initiative to promote budget transparency, conducted by IBP in collaboration with independent social organizations in Vietnam like the Center for Development and Integration (CDI). In more than 100 countries around the world, the evaluation cycle has been implemented every 2 years since 2006. Vietnam, particularly Ministry of Finance, has participated in OBS evaluation since 2015./.





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