Obama supports ASEAN’s efforts to achieve Code of Conduct

Monday, 17/11/2014 15:15

US President Barack Obama confirmed his country is supporting the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)’s effort to reach a Code of Conduct (COC) with China on maritime disputes.

 US President Obama made speech at University of Queenland. (Photo: AP)

“We will support ASEAN’s effort to reach a COC with China that reinforces international law in the South China Sea”, Obama said in a speech at Brisbane’s University of Queenland, Australia on the margins of the G20 summit.

According to US leaders, China will hold an important role in the area, but a big question given is how Beijing will show its role.

Obama repeated his insistence given in Beijing, after talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping, that the US welcomed the rise of China provided it is a peaceful and responsible player on the world stage.

In a short statement ahead of a US-ASEAN Summit meeting in Myanmar in November 13th, Obama was upbeat about the strong relations between the two aides.

The US is committed to strengthening the ASEAN both as an institution and as a community of nations, bound by shared interests and values.

Obama also pledged to work with ASEAN on a range of areas including security, trade, Ebola prevention, education and disaster relief./.



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