170 students participate in military training course in Quang Ninh

Tuesday, 23/06/2015 17:06

On June 22nd, in Ha Long city, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Ha Long city coordinated with Ha Long city Military Command to open a military training course for 170 students.

This annual activity draws the participation of many students who are teenagers in the city. It helps children to have a useful and healthy play ground during summer, relaxing after one-year study at school.


 The opening ceremony. (Source: baoquangninh.com.vn)

Participants will study historical tradition of the Vietnamese nation, Vietnam People’s Army, knowledge about national security; make acquaintance with soldier’s life; practice discipline and self-awareness.

In addition, they will participate in activities of gratitude, make field trips to protect the environment, and enjoy culture, arts and sports activities.


 Participants are instructed how to fold bedding in right way.

The training course will run until July 1st./.




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