Ho Chi Minh city opens new headquarters of talking library for the blind

Monday, 11/12/2017 17:20
After changing locations several times over the past 19 years, under the support of the Ho Chi Minh city’s leaders, agencies and sponsors, the talking library for the blind has been relocated to its new headquarters on Dinh Tien Hoang street, district 1.

Being considered the first library with talking books for the blind in Vietnam, the library has an area of 636 square metres, 5 high quality voice recording rooms, talking book production, computer room for the blind, and chess room, using a capital of over VND7 billion.

So far 1,830 talking books have been produced in the library, 402,810 copies having been distributed free to different foundations. In addition, 1,286 talking books have been posted on the website sachnoionline.com, attracting 16.7 million hits.

Former Standing Deputy Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh city Party Committee Nguyen Van Dua and Vice Chairwoman of the city People’s Committee Vu Thi Thu cut a ribbon to inaugurate the new headquarters of the talking library in late November.

Vice Chairwoman Vu Thi Thu visits the chess room at the library.

Hong Hung, the library technician, works at the recording room.

Hong Ha, 58 years old, has worked for nearly 10 years as a reader to record the books.

Trainees at computer room

Library staff member rearranges CDs.
BTA (Photos: SGGP)




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