Over 102,000 labourers go to work abroad

Thursday, 04/10/2018 10:30
Over 102,000 Vietnamese labourers have gone to work abroad since the beginning of this year, accounting for 92.64% of the year’s plan, the Overseas Labourer Management Department reported on October 2nd.

Labourers join training for nurses to Japan (Photo: Dolab)
According to the department, under the Ministry of Labour, War-Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA), in September alone, over 16,000 labourers went to work abroad, mainly to Japan, Chinese Taipei, and the Republic of Korea.

In the Republic of Korea, as of late June, over 38,300 Vietnamese labourers worked in the country in accordance with the Employment Permit System. This year, the RoK expects to receive 3,500 Vietnamese labourers in the manufacturing sector, not including the agricultural and fisheries sectors.

In 2018, Vietnam targets to send 110,000 labourers to work abroad./.

Compiled by BTA




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