Party official asks Soc Trang to choose capable and responsible personnel

Monday, 10/08/2020 23:30
A delegation led by Tran Quoc Vuong, Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee (PCC) Secretariat, on August 9th had a working meeting with the Standing Board of the Soc Trang provincial Party Committee on Party building.

Party official stresses importance of choosing right personnel for Party organizations

Politburo continues to work with centrally governed Party Committees

PCC Secretariat permanent member Tran Quoc Vuong addresses the meeting. (Photo: NDO)

During the meeting, appreciating what had been achieved by the province, he said that the province had promoted its potential and strengths in boosting economic, tourism, aquaculture, agriculture and renewable energy development, as well as in Party building.

He praised the province for completing the organization of Party Congresses, especially at the above grassroots level in July, one month earlier than requested in the Politburo Directive 35 on Party Congresses at all levels towards the 13th National Party Congress. However, he also urged the province to make more thorough preparations for the upcoming provincial Party Congress. 

According to PCC Secretariat permanent member Tran Quoc Vuong, the province should pay attention to building new-style rural areas and boosting sustainable poverty reduction, especially among ethnic minority people. 

He suggested that in the future, the province should focus more on building the Party; completing the cadre staff with pure, responsible and capable cadres; promoting social welfare work for raising people’s living standards; and maintaining a pure and strong Party Committee. 

Receiving the PCC Secretariat permanent member, Phan Van Sau, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, pledged to direct agencies, unions and localities to boost socio-economic development, better Party building and rectification, and maintain political security and social order.

He expressed his hope that the PCC Secretariat permanent member and the central level would continue to make favourable condition for Soc Trang to promote economic development, support its prompt building of a deepwater port at the Tran De Seaport for creating a driving force for economic development, not only in Soc Trang but also across the Mekong River region./.

Compiled by BTA



