Quang Ngai strives to become a fairly developed province

Wednesday, 21/10/2020 19:58
Politburo member and Standing Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly Tong Thi Phong has urged the Quang Ngai provincial Party Congress to re-check socio-economic development planning; promote cultural and human value; and continue to realize the Party Central Committee resolution on protecting the national defence.

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Delegates attend the Quang Ngai provincial Party Congress. (Photo: SGGP)

She made the statement while she attended the Quang Ngai provincial 20th Party Congress on October 21.

During the congress, she asked delegates to give thorough analysis and assessment of weaknesses, thus working out solutions and lessons learnt to fix the weaknesses.

“Quang Ngai should study to renew models of growth by effectively using resources and advanced science and technologies; boost sustainable industrial development with priority given to industries applying high technologies and producing high value,” she said, adding that the province must also make a breakthrough in building modern infrastructure systems, making a foundation for boosting socio-economic development.

Addressing the congress, Bui Thi Quynh Van, Party Central Committee alternate member, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairwoman of the provincial People’s Council, noted that over the past 5 years, the province had focused on realizing socio-economic development targets, thus gaining encouraging and comprehensive results, especially in the improvement of infrastructure, social welfare and people’s living standards./.

Compiled by BTA



