Denmark in Your Eyes 2021 Painting Competition on ‘GREEN LIVING’

Saturday, 23/01/2021 11:05
(CPV) - The annual Denmark In Your Eyes 2021 painting competition was launched today at Nguyen Sieu school (Cau Giay, Hanoi) with the theme ‘Green Living’. This is the first event in a series of activities to celebrate a very important milestone in the friendship between Vietnam and Denmark: the 50th year anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries.

‘One of the absolute top priorities in our long-term cooperation with Vietnam is to support green growth and a green transition in Vietnam. This overarching aim has been fully reflected in our cooperation including in the annual Denmark In Your Eyes Competition. With the theme “Green Living’ this year, we would like to continue engaging Vietnamese children and youth in promoting a  green and sustainable development. This competition will be a platform for the young generation to voice and share their thoughts, concerns, hopes and ideas on how to nurture and protect our planet. It will, hopefully, also help inspire other people on how we together can make our planet a prosperous and sustainable home for the well-being of all, through what could be daily simple and humble deeds’ said Ms. Louise Holmsgaard, Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Denmark.

This year’s competition is open to all Vietnamese students, from both primary and secondary schools. The deadline for submissions is 1st April 2021. The winners will be announced and awarded at a ceremony in May 2021. 

The Denmark In Your Eyes 2021 painting competition is co-hosted by the Embassy of Denmark and the Vietnam – Denmark Friendship Association (VIDAFA) with valuable assistance from our partners: the Ministry of Education and Training, Kim Dong Publishing House, Thieu Nien and Nhi Dong newspaper. JYSK, a Danish Furniture Retail Chain, is the main sponsor, while LEGO Vietnam is also a valued supporter of this competition./.

Khac Kien




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