Hue Festival 2018 is a show place for superb traditional and contemporary art genres

Saturday, 28/04/2018 02:18
(CPV) - Taking the theme “Cultural Heritage with Integration and Development: Hue – One destination, five World Heritages,” Hue Festival 2018 kicks off on April 27th 2018.

An art performance at the festival. (Photo:
The Grand Opening Ceremony presents a harmonious synthesis of traditional values and contemporary arts of Hue, thus reflecting the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Vietnam and other nations from five continents.

Art performances take place on a splendid, specially designed stage that promise to impress the audience with a brilliant “art banquet”.

"Sibirskye Uzory" Folk Dance Ensemble, Novosibirsk, Russia. (Photo:
Hue Festival 2018 is a show place for superb traditional and contemporary art genres. Many exceptional performances in Vietnam, especially exotic ones from different Vietnamese sub-cultures and art performances with varied cultural nuances of 19 nations in the world will be staged indside the Citadel, An Dinh Palace and other open venues around the city.

This is also on opportunity to introduce to the audience magnificent and comprehensive programs to honor the five World Cultural Heritages of Hue.

Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art, China. (Photo:
Hue Festival 2018 will continue to re-enact the imperial life in a mysterious ambience of the spectacle “Hue Royal Inspiration” together with programs introducing the quintessence of Hue folk arts and royal art, including Buddhism cultural events, the national competition of  “Hát văn” or “Chầu văn” (spiritual singing) and  street performances themed “Cultural Colours”.

Also, a wide range of stirring programs and community events including exhibitions, traditional sampan racing, kite flying, calligraphy demonstrations and displays, installations, street arts, conferences, workshops, international trade fair, sporting activities, cuisine fair and sightseeing tours, etc., will be taken place during the six days of the Festival.

Yun Myung Hwa Dance Ensemble FT. Gugak Group E-sang, RoK. (Photo:
The event will be held to commemorate cultural and historical milestones of Vietnam and Thua Thien Hue province, particularly, 230th anniversary of the Nguyen Hue Emperor’s Coronation at the Ban Mount (1788-2018); 50th anniversary of the General Offensive and Uprising of Tet Mau Than (1968-2018); 25th anniversary of UNESCO recognition of Hue monument complex as a World Cultural Heritage Site (1993-2018); 15th anniversary of UNESCO recognition bestowed on Hue’s Court Music as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity (2003-2018).

Hue Festival 2018, inspired by the quintessence of traditional customs and structured in an innovative manner, will expand its fabulous space to every neighborhood to highlight its community and humanity essence./.

Khac Kien



