Books on Vietnamese national culture introduced to readers

Friday, 26/07/2024 16:58
Book on Vietnamese national culture entitled “Thousand years of Vietnamese national culture" has been introduced to readers in both Vietnamese and English on the occasion of Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day 2024.
The over of the book (Source: CPV) 

The book was compiled by the National Political Publishing House in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

This is a work carried out with the desire to give readers the opportunity to "enjoy" treasures throughout our country, thereby gaining a systematic, thorough, and profound understanding of 265 treasures of the country; and contribute to honoring and spreading the extremely precious values of thousands of years of civilization.

The highlight of the book is a brief and concise presentation of the origin, era, characteristics and unique and typical values of treasures in the chronological journey of national treasures, starting from starting from the BC period until the revolutionary war period, marked by the great turning point of the Spring General Offensive and Uprising in 1975, completely liberating the South and reunifying the country.

Also on this occasion, the National Truth Political Publishing House also launched the book "Hung King Worship in Vietnam" co-edited by Prof. Dr. Ta Ngoc Tan and Associate Prof. Dr. Vu Trong Lam. The book is a research document that helps readers gain a deeper understanding of the historical origin, meaning, and cultural value of the Hung Kings Worship from many angles, as well as the exploitation and promotion of the values of Hung Vuong Worship./.

Compiled by BTA



