President Ho Chi Minh Memorial House - address for revolutionary education

Friday, 06/09/2024 11:26
After returning from the Viet Bac revolutionary base, the first place President Ho Chi Minh stopped was at the house of Mrs. Nguyen Thi An in Phu Gia village (now Phu Thuong ward, Tay Ho district). Today, this house has been recognized as a National Historic Site and serves as a "red address" for educating younger generations about patriotism.
Mr. Cong Ngoc Dung introduces the photo exhibition room. (Photo:

In 1945, Mrs. Nguyen Thi An's house was a shelter, a place for communication, and a source of food and supplies for revolutionary officials. Due to its discreet location in a safe area, the house was selected as President Ho Chi Minh's resting place for the first three days after returning from the Viet Bac base to Hanoi.

Nguyen Xuan Phuong, a resident of Phu Thuong ward, Tay Ho district, shared: "We are very proud to have a national historical site in our area. This is a place to educate people about patriotism."

The house consists of three rooms. Two of them are used to display many photographs of President Ho Chi Minh, revolutionary officials over the years, and mementos from the family's historical moments.

Cong Ngoc Dung, the grandson of Mrs. Nguyen Thi An, said that on September 2, many visitors came to hear stories about Uncle Ho. I feel proud to take care of and introduce this heritage."

Despite the many historical changes over time, the house has been carefully preserved by generations of the family, along with artifacts linked to President Ho Chi Minh. Everything has been maintained in its original condition. Today, it stands as a place of historical and cultural significance in Hanoi./.

Compiled by BTA



