First batch of sugarcane grown in Hoa Binh shipped to Germany

Monday, 08/11/2021 17:01
The first 10 tonnes of sugarcane grown in the northern province of Hoa Binh were shipped to Germany on November 7, marking a good sign for the local agriculture and farmers, reported Nhan Dan News.

Representatives of the agricultural sector of Hoa Binh province and import-export enterprises at the ceremony to export the first batch of sugarcane to Germany. (Photo:

The sugarcane was shaved and cut into 35cm pieces and frozen, in addition to ensuring the food safety standards of the European Union, before being transported to Germany.

The sugarcane was produced by Tung Duong Agricultural and Forestry Service Cooperative, purchased and packed by Tien Ngan Trading Investment Company,and exported by Fusa Fertilizer JSC.

The 10-tonne batch of of Hoa Binh sugarcane is expected to arrive in Germany in 40 days.

Additional 44 tonnes of sugarcane is scheduled for export to Germany in December this year.

Director of Hoa Binh Plant Protection and Cultivation Department Nguyen Hong Yen said that sugarcane must meet strict inspection on microorganisms, insects, soil, nitrate residues, and pesticide residues to be eligible to enter the German market. Therefore, the Vietnamese side must strictly comply with food safety regulations from planting and harvesting to preliminary processing, packaging, storage and transportation.

In addition to sugarcane, Hoa Binh province also exports other agricultural products to foreign markets, particularly Cao Phong oranges – a famous brand within the domestic market for years. Since the beginning of this year, the province has also export about 293 tonnes of banana to China and the Republic of Korea.

Standard Chartered: Vietnam- a priority destination among emerging economies

Standard Chartered Bank has identified the nation as one of the priority destinations among emerging economies due to its development potential and open-door policy, reported VOV News.

Standard Chartered Bank has identified Vietnam as one of priority destinations among emerging economies thanks to its development potential and open-door policy (

These remarks were made by Jose Vinals, group chairman of the bank, during the course of a dialogue with Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien held within the framework of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s recent trip to COP26 in Glasgow, the UK.

Minister Dien stated that the country will devise necessary institutions in a bid to reinforce the internal strength of the national economy and raise the competitiveness of Vietnamese enterprises. These institutions will thereby help businesses to take full advantage of various free trade agreements (FTAs), particularly in export activities whilst meeting the needs of the domestic market.

Furthermore, the Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade will move to speed up digital transformation in all production fields and trade, whilst also pursuing a sustainable development model. Vietnamese industrial policy orientations include seeking cleaner, greener production and using energy in a more economical and efficient manner. This is in addition to the development of basic and supporting industries based on achievements of Industry 4.0.

Minister Dien incentivised investors to build projects in line with the nation’s overall industrial development strategy.

In response, Vinals highlighted Standard Chartered’s investment ability to promote technology transfer whilst simultaneously contributing economic benefits to the country.

Moreover, there remains an opportunity for the nation to become one of the world's important factories, with the country able to participate intensively in the global value chain.

He went on to express his confidence that his bank's investment strategy is compatible with Vietnamese priority development areas.

Standard Chartered is one of the first five international banks to be present in the nation, officially operating a local branch back in 2009.

Standard Chartered Bank was voted the best priority bank in Vietnam by International Finance Magazine in 2017 and 2018, the best e-retail bank in Vietnam in 2018 and 2019, and the best foreign retail bank in Vietnam in 2021.

Mother language training courses help promote Vietnamese culture abroad

The second course for Vietnamese teachers in Europe and North America kicks off virtually on November 6. (Photo:

One hundred and fifty teachers from 10 countries and territories in the Asian – Australia region have successfully completed a Vietnamese language training course hosted by the Foreign Ministry's State Commission for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs (COVA), reported Vietnam News Agency.

In his speech at the closing ceremony on November 7, Director of the COVA's Department of Information and Culture Dinh Hoang Linh said the course is the first in the framework of a programme on training overseas Vietnamese teachers in teaching the Vietnamese language in 2021.

During nearly one month of the course, trainees were equipped with pedagogical skills, formal and professional Vietnamese teaching methods, and more knowledge about Vietnamese culture and history. They were also provided with teaching materials from experienced lecturers at Vietnamese universities.

Previously on November 6, the second course of this kind for Vietnamese teachers in Europe and North America kicked off virtually, with the participation of nearly oversea 130 teachers from Austria, Poland, Belarus, Belgium, the US, Canada and Germany.

Addressing the event, Ambassador Luong Thanh Nghi, Deputy Chairman of COVA affirmed that the committee always pays attention to the teaching and learning of the Vietnamese language in Vietnamese communities abroad.

At the closing ceremony of the first course on November 7. (Photo: VNA)

This is an important task to help overseas Vietnamese communities preserve the cultural identity and traditions, contributing to popularizing the Vietnamese language and culture abroad.

Professional training courses in teaching Vietnamese language for overseas teachers is an annual activity conducted by the committee since 2013. So far, nearly 400 teachers have completed both face-to-face and online training courses.

According to Nguyen Van Son, a Vietnamese language teacher in the Czech Republic, Vietnamese association in the Czech have actively maintained the popularization of Vietnamese language to children with the support of the Vietnamese Embassy  and volunteer teachers.

He expressed his hope that the Vietnamese Party and Government will pay more attention to promoting the teaching and learning of the Vietnamese language abroad.

On the occasion, a seminar was held to discuss measures and share experience to promote teaching and learning the Vietnamese language abroad and remove difficulties in implementing the programme.

Vietnam ranks high in girls’ participation in political life and policies

The 2021 Asia-Pacific Girls Report: Voice, Choice and Power, a follow-up to Plan’s groundbreaking 2020 report about girl and young women leaders in the region affirmed that Vietnam is among the leading countries in Asia in ensuring the participation of girls in political life and policies.

Photo for illustration. (Source:

The aim of the study is to measure opportunities of adolescent girls and young women in the region using a Girls’ Leadership Index with six different domains: education, health, economic opportunities, protection, political voice and representation, and laws and policies.

Among 19 Asian countries, Vietnam ranks 4th in the overall Girls Leadership Index with a score of 0.712, decreasing from that of 0.721 in 2020 Girls Leadership Index. However, Vietnam tops in Laws and Policies and ranks second in Political Voice and Representation domains.

Laws and Policies score is the result of evaluating inheritance, equal pay, sexual harassment, child marriage, and domestic violence. Vietnam’s Laws and Policies score is 1.000, ranking in the top of Asia with Thailand and the Philippines.

Vietnam’s Political Voice and representation score of 0.773 is calculated based on evaluation of representation, justice, and registration in the country, coming second after Singapore in Asian countries group.

Besides these two, Vietnam’s GLI also witnesses improvement in Health (ranked 8th) and Education (ranked 6th) domains compared to the 2020 index. While its Protection score remains unchanged, Vietnam’s Economic opportunities score slightly decreased, ranking 10th in the region.

The 2021 Asia-Pacific Girls Report highlights that youth activism in Asia-Pacific is critical for ensuring gender equality, leadership and promoting advocacy messages, emphasizing governments and civil society must do their part to support girls and young women in developing and using their voice.

“We must create a safe, inclusive and open space for them to use their voice, spread their message of ensuring equal rights for all and develop their collective and individual power,” said BhagyashriDengle, Regional Director, Plan International Asia-Pacific Hub./.




