Ho Chi Minh city to announce free from Covid-19

Thursday, 27/02/2020 16:48
The Ministry of Health (MoH) on February 26th issued a decision announcing that the central province of Khanh Hoa is free of Covid-19 as it has not reported any new cases for over 30 days.

Ho Chi Minh city establishes concentrated isolation foundations for Covid-19 fight

Ho Chi Minh City Red Cross Society spends over 390 million VND for Covid-19 prevention and control

Ho Chi Minh city's field hospital receives suspected cases. (Photo: TPO)

Earlier, it was the first Vietnamese locality announcing the disease.

After Khanh Hoa, Thanh Hoa province is also proposing the MoH announce it is free of the disease while Ho Chi Minh city gains enough criteria for being recognized as free of the disease. Only Vinh Phuc province is collecting more days to announce freedom from the disease.

According to MoH page, as of 7a.m on February 27th, all of 16 patients detected in Vietnam were cured and discharged from hospital; 92 suspected cases are being strictly monitored; and more than 5,400 others who had contact with suspected cases or emigrated from infected areas are also under supervision.

In the world, 82,147 cases were reported, with 78,497 in China. The disease has claimed 2,800 lives, including 2,744 in China./.

Phuong Nam




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