Binh Phuoc has 27 more durian growing area codes approved for export

Wednesday, 13/03/2024 10:29
The southeastern province of Binh Phuoc has just had 27 more durian growing area codes approved by the General Administration of Customs of China, bringing the total number of durian growing area codes in the province to 65, according to the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Packing durian for export. (Photo: VGP)

The licensed growing area covers 701.5ha of durian under cultivation with an estimated output of 14,030 tonnes.

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development said that Binh Phuoc’s total area of durian trees is 5,300 hectares, with an output of 14,800 tons. About 95% of the province’s fresh durian output is exported to the Chinese market, while the rest is consumed in the domestic market.

Localities with large areas of durian trees include Bu Dang, Phu Rieng, Bu Gia Map, and Loc Ninh districts. Of which, Dona durian variety accounts for 61%; Ri6 31%; Ripe 5%; and others 4.3%.

Currently, Vietnam has 876 durian growing area codes and durian packing facility codes eligible for export to China; including 708 licensed durian growing area codes.

The growing area code is the identification code for a growing area to monitor and control production, control harmful organisms, and trace the origin of agricultural products./.




