Yen Chau Mango Festival 2024 to take place on June 8

Wednesday, 05/06/2024 15:45
The fifth mango festival will be organized on June 8 and 9 in Yen Chau district, in the northern mountainous province of Lai Chau.

The event aims to introduce and promote the Yen Chau round mango brand, honor mango growers, and create opportunities for mango growers to exchange and improve knowledge and experiences in planting and caring for mango.

The Yen Chau Mango Festival 2024 will feature activities such as: Displaying booths introducing typical agricultural products and handicrafts of 15 communes and towns; musical performances, folk games, cultural exchanges; mango picking competition, Xoe dance competition, knitting competition, pieu scarf embroidery competition; and experiential activities at mango gardens.

Yen Chau round mango specialty is famous for its deliciousness

Leaders of Yen Chau district said that the locality currently has more than 3,200 hectares of mangoes, mainly native round mangoes and green-skinned mangoes.

Each year, fruit output is estimated at about 20,000 tons. Among them, Yen Chau round mango is famous for its deliciousness and has been attached to the Thai people for many generations. This is the only indigenous mango variety in Northern Vietnam included in the list that needs to be preserved and developed.

Since 2012, Yen Chau round mango has been certified for geographical indication registration and brand recognition system, thereby becoming known and favored by consumers.

In recent years, in addition to consumption in the domestic market, Yen Chau round mango products have also been exported to China, Australia, Japan and the Republic of Korea./.




