Ha Giang province promotes digital transformation application to improve quality of popularization and education work in new situation

Friday, 03/02/2023 11:03
(CPV) - The year 2022 marked the efforts of Ha Giang's popularization and education sector in digital transformation, as well as technological application to innovate content and appropriate modes in line with reality.
Comrade Vu Manh Ha during a working session at Ha Giang Newspaper 

Facing the intertwined opportunities and challenges, the Ha Giang popularization and education sector is proactive and creative in completing a large volume of work, thus contributing to consolidating and fostering trust and the close relationship between the people and the Party, making the Party's will match with the people's hearts, determining to successfully implement the resolutions of the Party Congresses at all levels and the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress for the 2020-2025 term.

Implement the guiding documents and instructions of the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, especially Resolution 18-NQ/TU, dated October 29, 2021 of the Provincial Party Committee on digital transformation in the province for the period 2021-2025, with a vision to 2030, the Provincial Party Committee’s Commission on Popularization and Education has actively researched and developed a plan to implement digital transformation in popularization and education work with specific goals and solutions. In particular, the focus is on thoroughly raising awareness among popularization and education cadres and officers about the role, importance and inevitable trend of digital transformation for popularization and education work in the new situation. The sector identifies that innovation in leadership and direction in the performance of professional tasks on the basis of the application of digital technology and digital data is an important solution in innovating working methods and ways, and improving efficiency of work, and is a tool to strengthen the connection, exchange and sharing of information and data in the popularization and education sector, striving for the goal of building Ha Giang popularization and education sector to work entirely on a "paperless" network environment.

On that basis, the whole Ha Giang popularization and education sector has actively and proactively advised the implementation of digital transformation and organized the implementation of digital transformation applications at work. Prominent was the establishment of the Web Portal of the Provincial Party Committee’s Commission on Popularization and Education with software integrated. Digital technology has been applied to the entire professional process of popularization and education work. Up to now, the Portal has developed and opened 27 new news categories and 07 video clips categories, including outstanding columns such as the 13th Central Party Committee meeting; activities of the National Assembly Deputies Delegation; activities of the Provincial People's Council; prevention and fighting against corruption and wrongdoings; and speeches by the Standing Provincial Party Committee members. It has also integrated over 20 banners; published over 3,000 news and articles; 400 videos and reports; more than 600 beautiful images; attracting more than 1,000 accesses per day, with more than 4,000 accesses on peak days.

 100% of Ha Giang communes have fiber optic cables at broadcasting stations and centers.

In order to renew the dissemination of Party congress resolutions at all levels, the Provincial Party Committee’s Commission of Popularization and Education has directed the development of the software "Online multiple-choice contest  on studying Party's resolutions" on the Portal and successfully organized 06 contests. The highlights are the online quiz contest the multi-choice contest on the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and the resolution of the 15th Ha Giang provincial Party Congress (tenure 2020-2025) with 132,000 participants and 240,000 entries, and the online contest on studying the digital transformation of Ha Giang province in 2022 with more than 156,000 participants, with more than 344,000 entries.

The Provincial Party Committee’s Commission of Popularization and Education has enhanced connection and two-way information exchange with leaders of departments, branches, localities, the popularization sector and press agencies  to serve communication about Ha Giang on the Zalo groups "Ha Giang Information", "Central Press with Ha Giang", and "Ha Giang popularization and education".

 Leaders of Ha Giang province started the online quiz competition about digital transformation in the province.

In 2022, the Provincial Party Committee Commission of Popularization and Education coordinated with central newspapers and magazines such as Communist Review; News Department under  Vietnam Television Station; the Communist Party of Vietnam Online Newspaper, the People's Deputies Newspaper, the People's Army Newspaper, VnExpress Online Newspaper; updated and broadcast more than 300 news, articles and reportages on outstanding results, effectiveness of Party building, socio-economic development, national defence and security and foreign affairs, promoting its potential, tourism associated with the unique cultural traditions of the ethnic groups in the province. The connection and provision of information which is applied to digital technology platforms helps the province's information and images to be sent to newspapers and magazines quickly, accurately, truthfully and more vividly.

The province’s data integration center allows the connection and integration of information technology applications of state-owned agencies in the province to operate effectively. 

Along with that, the activities of the Provincial Steering Committee 35 have innovated and applied digital technology; Ha Giang is the first province in the country to successfully organize a video clip contest to fight and oppose malicious information on the Internet and social networks with nearly 200 entries. It also successfully organized the Press Prize of the Ha Giang Provincial Party Committee on Party building in 2022, in which the strong application of information technology through the reception, viewing and grading of works on the e-Portal. The province has also edited and published the book "Q&A about digital transformation" and published it in the form of an e-book on the e-Portal, in order to promote information and communications about digital transformation in the province to a large number of cadres, party members and people.

Commissions for Popularization and Education of the province’s localities have participated and made positive changes in implementing digital transformation, such as: Quan Ba district actively edited and released the book "Documents on resolutions, directives, the project of the Party Committee of Quan Ba district, term 19, for 2020-2025 period" published on the e-book software; Quang Binh district actively built software and successfully organizes the Digital Transformation Contest on the Internet in 2022 to a large number of cadres, civil servants, public employees and people in the district; and so on.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Van Son and Head of the Provincial Party Committee’s Commission for Popularization and Education Vu Manh Ha presented certificates of merit to individuals with outstanding achievements in digital transformation. 

In order to continue to promote the achieved results, promote direction, orientation and implementation of digital transformation in the entire popularization and education sector, ensuring the focus, appropriateness and timeliness, creating unity in awareness and actions of people of all classes, contributing to orienting positive public opinion, maintaining the ideological front of the Party, in the coming time, the entire popularization and education sector of the Provincial Party Committee determines to well implement the following key contents: (1) Following the instructions of the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee to continue to advise on the effective implementation of digital transformation in the whole popularization and education sector; (2) Reviewing and assessing the current status of technical and data infrastructure, requirements of "digital citizens" in the popularization and education sector to adjust and supplement the digital transformation plan with appropriate roadmaps and solutions. Shaping the digital ecosystem in Ha Giang’s popularization and education sector based on three pillars: Equipping digital skills, digital media and digital culture; move most professional activities to the digital space; (3) Continuing to research digital technology application, deploying and completing software types to serve the fields of work, such as: software "Following press and social networking sites"; the software "Online multiple-choice test on studying the Party's resolutions"; the software “Reflecting recommendations” on mobile devices; upgrade the e-portal of the Provincial Party Committee's Commissions for Popularization and Educationto integrate more features and software for popularization and education work to build a "big data" repository on the e-Portal; (4) Continuing to promote digitization and update the history books of the Party Committees of communes and townships; traditions of agencies and units; published books (paper books) to the eBook software; (5) Continuing to apply information technology, digitize documents, and use 100% of electronic documents with QR-Code in organizing meetings, conferences, contests and competitions of the popularization and education sector; (6) Promoting cooperation with provincial departments, agencies, and central press agencies to digitally communicate about Ha Giang on newspapers, magazines and social networking platforms; and so on.

To celebrate the Lunar New Year of the Cat 2023, under the leadership and direction of the provincial Party Committee, the coordination of the authorities at all levels; the entire popularization and education sector of the Provincial Party Committee continues to promote the spirit of solidarity, determination, innovation thinking, flexibility and creation, technology application, digital transformation implementation; well promoting its role as a bridge between the Party, the State and the people, bringing the Party's resolutions into the life, with the expectation and belief that the new year will open up many favorable opportunities and new directions for Ha Giang province to continue to obtain many positive results, building Ha Giang to be further developed and civilized./.

Vu Manh Ha, alternate member of the Party Central Committee, member of the Standing Board of the Ha Giang Provincial Party Committee, and Head of the Ha Giang Provincial Party Committee’s Commission for Popularization and Education



