More than 500 social housing projects carried out

Monday, 17/06/2024 10:41
So far, 503 social housing projects have been carried out across the country, providing 418,200 flats, the Ministry of Construction has reported.
Illustrative photo (Source: PLO)

According to the Ministry of Construction, that is part of results achieved during the implementation of the project on investment in building at least one million social housing apartments for low income and industrial park workers in 2021 - 2030.

Accordingly, up to now, 503 social housing projects have been implemented nationwide with a scale of 418,200 flats, an increase of four projects with 6,950 flats compared to March. Of these, 75 projects have been completed, 128 projects have started construction, and 300 projects have had investment policies approved.

To ensure the completion of the set goals, the Ministry of Construction and other ministries, branches and localities need to continue to focus on completing and submitting to the Government for promulgation decrees and legal documents related to the implementation of social housing projects such as the Housing Law (revised), Land Law (revised), Law on Credit Institutions (revised), in the spirit of minimizing administrative procedures.

Apart from the four state-owned commercial joint stock banks, the State Bank is requested to direct and encourage more commercial banks to participate in the lending program with supporting capital of VND120 trillion; and continue to research and consider lowering the lending interest rate for the VND120 trillion support capital in accordance with the actual situation./.

Compiled by BTA



