Project to build 5,000 solidarity houses in Dien Bien carries profound significance

Monday, 24/06/2024 14:43
Commemorating the 70th anniversary of the historic victory at Dien Bien Phu Campaign, Dien Bien province has undergone remarkable development with increasingly modern infrastructure. In particular, the completion of 5,000 sturdy houses, built from solidarity and shared spirit have transformed the landscape of Dien Bien.
Inaugurating and handing over a great solidarity house to poor households under Project 09 in Dien Bien Province (Photo: CPV)

Initiated under Project 09, led by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and co-implemented by the Standing Committee of the Dien Bien Provincial Party Committee, this program holds deep political and humanitarian implications. It mobilized resources to construct over 8,000 solidarity houses for impoverished households across the Northwest region, notably revitalizing 5,000 homes in Dien Bien.

The project called upon businesses, organizations, groups, individuals and overseas Vietnamese to successfully support its implementation. Each house received a financial aid of VND50 million, amounting to an estimated total of VND350 - 400 billion. Within just nine months of deployment and organization, Project 09 achieved its set goals. By January 24, all 5,000 homes in Dien Bien were completed, handed over, and put into use. These included 1,818 newly-built houses, 1,894 traditional wooden houses, and 1,288 steel-frame houses. Each met quality standards with sizes ranging from 36 square meters upwards. The total cost for construction amounted to VND489.4 billion.

Mr. Lo Van Mung, member of the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Dien Bien Fatherland Front and Deputy Head of the Steering Committee for Project 09, emphasized the project’s profound humanitarian importance and its warm reception from the local residents. Its substantial resources were efficiently mobilized, achieving its objectives swiftly, thereby stabilizing the lives of 5,000 impoverished and near-poor households, contributing to Dien Bien’s target to eliminate unsafe homes by 2024.

Mr. Lo Van Lan's family, Muong Luan 1 village, Muong Luan commune, Dien Bien Dong district in front of the new house (Photo: CPV)

These solidarity houses have united the entire province of Dien Bien, with high consensus across all levels of society. The project placed strong emphasis on diverse, location-appropriate communication methods and maintained regular oversight and supervision. Following the house-building assistance, 1,132 households have escaped poverty, demonstrating their determination for sustainable poverty alleviation.

Local authorities under the guidance of Mr. Mua A Vang, alternate member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Secretary of the Dien Bien Dong District Party Committee, highlighted the project’s successful implementation through close coordination among authorities, the Fatherland Front, and grassroots organizations, ensuring regular monitoring to meet efficiency and quality standards.

Sharing local experiences, Mr. Nguyen Tien Dat, Secretary of the Muong Ang District Party Committee, emphasized the district's suitable solutions in leadership, direction and mobilization of labor forces to support labor days, alongside other resources, for the construction of houses for impoverished and near-poor households, ensuring quality standards.

Mr. Lo Van Phan (left) shares his joy in his spacious new house. (Photo: CPV)

The project has realized the dreams of impoverished households for solid homes conducive to settlement and livelihoods. Mr. Lo Van Lan from Muong Luan 1 village, Muong Luan commune, Dien Bien Dong district, shared his family’s joy after years of living in a deteriorated house, never daring to dream of a new one. Receiving a sturdy house, his family rejoiced immensely, expressing deep gratitude to the state, provincial authorities and the community. With stable housing, Mr. Lan now engages confidently in productive activities, striving to escape poverty.

Similarly, in Muong Luan commune, Dien Bien Dong district, Mr. Lo Van Phan’s family expressed great happiness upon moving into their new home. “I am truly happy; a dream spanning many years has finally come true,” Mr. Phan said.

In Quai To village, Quai To commune, Tuan Giao district, Ms. Ca Thi Dung, whose family faced severe hardships, utilized a VND50 million grant and an additional VND40 million loan from the policy bank to build a solid house of over 60 square meters. With concerted efforts and communal labor, Ms. Dung’s family can now enjoy a stable family life. “Now I can focus on stable family life,” she shared her feeling.

The happiness of Ms. Dung’s family, Mr. Long and Mr. Phan affirms the meaningful, practical program that has ignited hope and confidence among residents in a warm and happy life. This contributes to developing Dien Bien in a manner befitting its glorious and heroic historical tradition./.

Compiled by BTA



