Tree planted at schools to make HCMC greener

Monday, 17/06/2024 15:17
(CPV) - Gaia Nature Conservation Center (Gaia) planted 46 trees at six schools in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) as part of a series of activities responding to World Environment Day (June 5).

Ms. Huyen Do, Founder & Director of Gaia Nature Conservation guides preschool students
at the tree learning contest (Photo:

In addition, Gaia also organized four Tree Learning Competitions with the participation of more than 3,700 students to provide interesting and essential information about trees in schools. The program aims to build a green, fresh, inspirational learning environment, contributing to evoking a love of nature and awareness of environmental protection in students.

In May and June, Gaia planted 46 trees of 11 species with the companionship of two businesses of Sanofi and Daikin Vietnam. Tree species are carefully selected to ensure they provide shade and scenery while still being safe for students such as Bucida molinetii, Cinnamomum camphora.

At the tree planting day, students learned a lot of interesting information about tree species in school, the magical value of trees to human life through games and quizzes. At the same time, children are also instructed on how to protect and care for trees, safety rules during the stormy season, and how to prevent trees from falling.

Under the guidance of the Gaia team, students joined hands with teachers to plant trees to give the school more shade. The trees are 3-4m high, 5-8 cm in diameter, and the hole is dug deep and wide to help the tree quickly expand its canopy, flower, spread deep roots, and firmly cling to the soil. In front of each tree there is a nameplate, accompanied by a QR code with interesting information about the tree compiled and designed by the Gaia team.

To ensure the tree survival rate is 90% or more, Gaia will work with the school to care for, monitor and prepare periodic update reports every 6 months, for the next 2 years. Gaia believes that with love and dedicated care for teachers and students, the garden will be healthy and constantly grow tall, creating shade for the school yard.

Ms. Do Thi Thanh Huyen, Founder & Director of Gaia Nature Conservation Center, said that within 50 years a tree can absorb 1,100kg of CO2 and more than 200 kg of fine dust and toxic gases such as NO2, NH3. Therefore, planting more trees to absorb fine dust in schools and helping to effectively respond to climate change right in the city is extremely important. Another great value of trees is their ability to reduce noise through the sound being reflected many times through the tree canopy. Even looking at the green leaves and colorful flowers of the season, listening to the rustling of leaves, and smelling the light scent of trees also helps children relax and relieve stress naturally.

Furthermore, observing the growth process of trees through the four seasons and over the years also helps increase curiosity, stimulate creativity, develop intelligence and love of nature in children, she added.

The program of planting trees and educating students in HCMC has been implemented by Gaia since 2020. Up to now, more than 150 large trees have been planted by Gaia in 13 kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, high school and university in the city. More than 8,000 students have also participated in programs to raise awareness about tree protection.

Currently, HCMC’s green area per capita is only 0.55m2/person, much lower than the special urban greenery standard of about 15m2/person (according to TCVN 9257:2012). Therefore, planting more trees in the city, especially schools, plays a vital role in creating a fresh, friendly learning environment for children to develop comprehensively both physically and mentally./.

Bich Lien



