Vietnamese language test in Japan sees record number of candidates

Monday, 17/06/2024 16:10
The Japan College of Foreign Languages (JCFL) in Tokyo organized the 7th Vietnamese-language proficiency test on June 16 with the participation of 889 Japanese candidates.

Candidates participate in the 7th Vietnamese-language proficiency test held in Tokyo. (Photo: VNA)

The test attracted candidates from 39 localities across Japan with the average age of about 40. The oldest candidate is 86 years old and the youngest one is just 8 years old.

Chairman of the association of Southeast Asian nations’ foreign language exchange in Japan Fujino Masayoshi said that the test this year attracted a record number of candidates across Japan.

He said that the test is held annually, offering Japanese learners a playground to test their Vietnamese language proficiency except in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chairman of the Bunsai Gakuen Non-Profit Education Foundation Ise Yoji said that the record number of candidates shows the increased interest of Japanese people in Vietnamese language.

The 8th edition of the test is scheduled for June 15, 2025./.




