Party official asks Gia Lai to well prepare for Party Congresses among complex COVID-19 changes

Thursday, 20/08/2020 17:18
On August 19, Pham Minh Chinh, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee (PCC) Secretariat and Head of the PCC Commission on Organization, led a delegation to work with the Standing Board of the Central Highlands province of Gia Lai Party Committee.

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At the meeting (Photo: CPV)

The working meeting mentioned the building of the Party and political system in combination with realization of socio-economic development, defence and security as well as external relations, especially the implementation of the Politburo directive on Party Congresses towards the 13th National Party Congress and the Politburo directive on leading the election of National Assembly deputies term XV and deputies to the People’s Council at all levels term 2021-2026.

Gia Lai is a province in the North of the Central Highlands, with a natural area of more than 15,510 square kilometers; population of over 1.5 million people, of which ethnic minorities account for 46.23%. The province has a 90 kilometer border with Cambodia. This is a province holding important position in economics, politics and defense-security; and potential, advantages and many favorable conditions for development of Pleiku Airport and Dong Truong Son Road, connecting Gia Lai with different domestic and international localities.

So far, 100% of grassroots level Party Congresses and nearly 81% of district-level Party Congresses have been completed, with thorough preparations of personnel work and congress organization. The province has also completed draft documents for the 16th provincial Party Congress.

Over the past 5 years, the province has actively carried out the national and provincial Party Congresses’ resolutions and the guidelines of the central level. As a result, the gross regional domestic product reached 7.83% on average each year, at VND80.989 trillion, increasing by 1.65 times compared to 2015; the average income per capita in 2020 reached VND52.54 million, an increase of 1.5 times compared to 2015; the poverty rate among ethnic minority people was reduced from 40.1% to 6.25%; and there has been remarkable improvement in people’s living standard, with stable political security and social order.

Praising the province’s achievements, Pham Minh Chinh suggested the province should well prevent and overcome the consequences of COVID-19 and diphtheria while leading to strengthen solidarity in the Party; and thoroughly prepare for the provincial Party Congress, especially during the complex development of COVID-19.

The Party official noted that proper planning for the development of the province should be worked out to efficiently exploit its potential and competitiveness. “It also needs to maintain, reinforce and develop the friendly and traditional special relationship with localities in the Cambodia – Laos – Vietnam development triangle,” he said./.

Compiled by BTA



