Hanoi presents investment registration certificate for VND3 trillion high-tech project

Thursday, 14/09/2023 14:16
On September 13, Hanoi Industrial and Export Processing Zones Authority (HIZA) held a ceremony to award the Investment Registration Certificate for the Project "Inventec Vietnam Factory".
HIZA leaders, authorized by the Hanoi People's Committee, award the Investment Certificate for the project. (Photo: HNMO)

Head of the HIZA Le Quang Long said that to date, Hanoi's industrial parks have attracted 709 active projects, including 302 foreign direct investment (FDI) projects with registered capital of over USD6.4 billion USD, and 407 domestic investment projects with registered capital of over VND19,200 billion.

Mr. Long highly appreciated the goodwill of investor Inventec Corporation (Taiwan - China) for trusting and investing in the project in Hanoi Southern Supporting Industrial Park (HANSSIP) with the main goal of producing smartphones, server, computer peripherals; electronic circuit boards, converters and smart devices. Of which, 100% of products are for export.

He suggested that immediately after being granted the Investment Registration Certificate, it is necessary to focus resources and funds to quickly implement procedures, receive site handover and ensure project implementation according to the registered schedule.

The "Inventec Vietnam Factory" project has a total design capacity for a stable production of 32 million products per year, equivalent to 20,352 tons of products per year. The project is built on an expected area of 161,647.8 square meters, using VND2,930.625 billion, equivalent to USD125 million.

The project's operating term is 50 years. It is expected that the factory will start official production 36 months from the date of issuance of the investment registration certificate./.

Compiled by BTA



