Bac Ninh tries to increase trust, create open environment to enterprises

Saturday, 28/09/2024 12:29
From October 2024, the Bac Ninh People’s Committee will organize a meeting with entrepreneurs on the 13th of every month, said the organ’s office.
Leaders of Bac Ninh will meet with entrepreneurs on the 13th of every month, from October 2024. (Photo:

This is an initiative and a breakthrough policy of the provincial People’s Committee in promoting socio-economic development.

The purpose is to strengthen trust, create an “open” environment, a close and friendly atmosphere between the local government, entrepreneurs and investors, thereby determining to break through and develop the province’s economy.

Meetings with entrepreneurs every month will help the province increase the initiative, positivity and accountability of departments, branches and localities in receiving and resolving difficulties and problems of business people and investors; receiving opinions to form new policies, creating motivation for socio-economic development.

Through meetings, the Bac Ninh People’s Committee promptly receives, listens to, and handles difficulties and problems of entrepreneurs and investors; thereby having solutions to support and create the most favorable conditions for accessing planning information, land, infrastructure, human resource training, opportunities to participate in priority investment projects, protecting the interests of entrepreneurs and investors according to the provisions of law.

The meetings will be divided into the following topics of planning, land access, investment, environment, market information, trade and investment promotion, digital transformation - green transformation, and production and business infrastructure construction./.




