Book on President Ho Chi Minh published in China

Friday, 26/11/2010 18:30

President Ho Chi Minh 
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Vietnam-China diplomatic relations, a book, named “Ho Chi Minh – a legendary life” written by Li Jia Zhong, former Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam, was published in China.

The book includes 296 pages and a portrait of President Ho Chi Minh is printed on the entire cover. The content of the book is arranged according to time sequence from the childhood of President Ho Chi Minh through his last will and testament.

The book is divided into four major sections: tramping about abroad through thick and thin in search of a way to save the country; returning to lead the August Revolution; during the anti-French colonialist and anti-American imperialist wars; stories about Ho Chi Minh and an addendum. Almost all sections have vivid illustration photos.

"President Ho Chi Minh is the beloved leader of the people of Vietnam, as well as a close friend of the Chinese people. Ho Chi Minh City had impartially devoted his whole life to the national liberation cause and seized independence for the country.

During the hardship revolutionary years of the Chinese people, Ho Chi Minh was shoulder to shoulder with the Chinese people.

Especially in the context of people throughout our country striving for the cause to raise up the socialist fatherland and the revolutionary spirit, the integrity of his life has been always a good example for us to seriously study and follow. During the process of rectifying the party, strengthening the ideology political work today, the publication of the book on the life of Ho Chi Minh will be very useful for us," former Vice Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Chou wrote in the preface of the book.

Author Li Jia Zhong was born in 1936 in Tianjin. Since 1956, he studied at Faculty of French at the Beijing Foreign Languages Institute and Faculty of Oriental Languages at Beijing University and was a student at the Hanoi General University.

He had worked at the Chinese Embassy to Vietnam four times, and met President Ho Chi Minh many times. He has translated and introduced stories about the life of President Ho Chi Minh.

Currently, Li Jia Zhong is a member of the Chine international affairs research association and a member of the China Diplomatic History Research Association.



