Protecting national security is mission of entire political system and people: Party official

Tuesday, 06/08/2024 09:41
(CPV) - “We need to affirm clearly that protecting national security is the revolutionary mission of the masses under the comprehensive leadership of the Party committees and the administration of all levels of government, with the participation of the entire political system, and with the core force being the People's Public Security.”
Mr. Nguyen Trong Nghia delivers a speech at the event. (Photo: CPV)

This was emphasized by Nguyen Trong Nghia, Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Party Central Committee (PCC), Head of the PCC Commission on Popularization and Education, at the National Security Protection Festival held on August 5 in Binh Dong commune, Go Cong city, Tien Giang province.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Nghia highly appreciated the efforts of the Party committees, authorities and local people in promoting the spirit of solidarity and striving to build their homeland; actively building the movement for the entire population to protect national security. These achievements need to be promoted and expanded in the future.

“We continue to promote the proactive and active role of the People's Public Security in advising Party committee leaders and authorities in directing the movement for the entire population to protect national security; ensure close linkage with the patriotic emulation movement and other movements launched by the Party, State, Vietnam Fatherland Front and organizations at the local level; and continue to widely disseminate good models,” he said.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Nghia presents souvenirs to Tan Dong commune, Go Cong city. (Photo: CPV)

Recently, Party committees, authorities, mass organizations, police, and military forces in Tien Giang and Go Cong City have actively directed and implemented the Party and State's guidelines and policies on economic, cultural, and social development, ensuring national defense and security; encouraging and mobilizing people to participate in the Movement of All People Protecting National Security; renewing and enhancing vigilance, fighting against the schemes, methods, and tactics of hostile forces, reactionaries, and various types of crimes; promptly informing international and domestic situations to officials, Party members, and the people.

In the locality, many good and creative ways have emerged in implementing the Movement of All People Protecting National Security. In Go Cong City alone, there are 21 effective crime prevention models, with Binh Dong commune being a very successful area in implementing these models.

On this occasion, Mr. Nghia presented 5 great solidarity houses worth VND50 million each and 10 gifts worth VND2 million each to 10 policy beneficiary families in Binh Dong commune.

Visiting the Primary School No. 2 in Go Cong city, he also presented 650 sets of textbooks and 60 scholarships to poor students with outstanding academic results./.

Compiled by BTA



