Quang Nam province implements Regulation 144 associated with studying and following President Ho Chi Minh

Saturday, 05/10/2024 11:28
(CPV) - The Standing Committee of the central Quang Nam Provincial Party Committee asked all levels, sectors, cadres and the entire provincial Party Committee to thoroughly grasp the five contents of implementing the revolutionary ethical standards of cadres and party members in the new period. At the same time, each cadre and party member must study, strive, cultivate and practice, according to the criteria of the standards, to continuously improve revolutionary ethics.
Delegates at a conference held by the Quang Nam Provincial Party Committee (Photo: CPV)

According to the direction of the Standing Committee of the Quang Nam Provincial Party Committee, the implementation of Regulation 144 -QD/TW, dated May 9, 2024 of the Politburo on the revolutionary ethical standards of cadres and party members in the new period, is to raise the awareness and responsibility of Party committees, party organizations, cadres and party members in the new period.

In particular, Party committees at all levels must clearly define the responsibility for leadership, direction and organization of the implementation of revolutionary ethical standards of cadres and Party members according to Regulation 144-QD/TW in the province associated with promoting the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle.

In order to help officials and party members of the entire Party Committee promptly update and fully grasp the viewpoints and instructions of the Party and State and promote studying and following Uncle Ho, the Quang Nam Provincial Party Committee regularly organizes seminars and conferences for officials and party members in the locality.

In the spirit of this direction, the Standing Board of the Quang Nam Provincial Party Committee requests all levels, sectors, officials, and the entire Provincial Party Committee to thoroughly grasp the five contents of implementing the revolutionary ethical standards of officials and party members in the new period; at the same time, each official and party member must voluntarily study, strive, cultivate and practice according to the criteria of the standards to constantly improve revolutionary ethics.

The Standing Committee of the Quang Nam provincial Party Committee requires cadres and party members to be imbued with the ideology of lifelong striving for the Party’s revolutionary goals and ideals; uphold the spirit of patriotism, national pride, and absolute loyalty to the Fatherland and the Party's revolutionary cause; wholeheartedly serve the Fatherland and the People; and respect, have confidence in, be close to and closely attached to the People.

The Standing Committee also requires cadres and party members to always unite, maintain solidarity and unity within the Party, agencies, organizations and among the People, first of all in the Party cells, agencies, work units, and residential areas; to resolutely fight against manifestations of division, factionalism, localism and group benefits; and to build and rectify the Party and the political system to be truly clean and strong in all aspects.

According to the Standing Board of the Quang Nam Provincial Party Committee, this standard requires officials and Party members to set an example in their work and daily life, while actively studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style.

To effectively implement the revolutionary ethics standards for officials and Party members in the new phase, the Standing Board of the Quang Nam Provincial Party Committee calls on all Party committees, organizations and leaders to review, supplement and refine the previously established professional and public service ethics standards to align with the revolutionary ethics as outlined in Regulation 144. This includes specifying the criteria of these standards in accordance with the functions, duties and circumstances of each sector, profession, field, agency, unit or locality, ensuring consistency with the standards in Regulation 144. Additionally, the implementation of resolutions and conclusions from the Party Central Committee on Party building and political system rectification, as well as Party regulations on setting examples and the things Party members are prohibited from doing, must be enforced./.




