Book reviews 50 years of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and France

Wednesday, 10/07/2024 11:09
The Truth National Political Publishing House has recently released a book reviewing 50 years of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and France (1973-2023) written by Dr. Vo Minh Hung.
Book reviews 50 years of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and France. (Source: NDO) 

The book featuring 50 years of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and France from 1973 to 2023. 

According to the Voice of Vietnam, the book is comprised of four chapters correspondingly illustrating Vietnam-France relations in history; Vietnam-France relations in the 1973-1993 period; Vietnam-France relations in the 1993-2023 period; and Prospects for Vietnam-France relations in the coming decades of the 21st century.

Vietnam and France have treasured a long-standing traditional relationship through many ups and downs in history. In the context of peace, cooperation and development as the common trend globally at present, both countries have introduced their foreign policies appropriate to the new situation to increase cooperation opportunities, facilitate national development, and at the same time solve difficulties facing them.

While France has realized the potential of the Asia-Pacific region, home to the world’s most dynamically developing economies by adopting its Indo-Pacific Strategy, Vietnam has also implemented a foreign policy of multilateralisation and diversification of foreign relations, by attaching importance to relations with global economic and political centers and expanding cooperation with European countries.

In ASEAN, Vietnam has an increasingly political and economic position, serving as a bridge to help France penetrate the ASEAN market as well as the larger Asian market. Meanwhile, France is one of the world’s leading powers and plays an important role in Europe, especially the European Union.

Promoting the friendly relationship with France therefore gives Vietnam the chance to expand economic relations with other EU member countries in particular and the European Union in general.

Overcoming differences in political institutions and economic development levels, and leaving behind the pain of a past historical period, Vietnam-France relations are developing comprehensively in all fields from politics-diplomacy and defense-security, to economics, culture, science-technology and people-to-people exchanges for peace and prosperity of the two peoples.

The book helps readers better understand the development of the Vietnam-France relationship in history and future prospects. In the book, the author analyzed limitations as well as prospects of bilateral relations, affirming that the two countries will continue to strengthen their strategic partnership and develop together to new heights./.

Compiled by BTA



