Documentary film “Saigon - HCMC: 50 years of implementing Uncle Ho's testament” honored

Wednesday, 23/10/2024 11:11
The documentary film “Saigon - Ho Chi Minh City: 50 years of implementing Uncle Ho's testament” wins the B prize of the award for composing and promoting literary, artistic and journalistic works on the theme “Studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style” in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) for the 2021 – 2025 period.
Photo: HCMC Cinematography Association

The film was invested and produced by the HCMC Party Committee’s Commission of Popularization and Education and the HCMC Cinematography Association to celebrate the 46th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and the reunification of the country.

Each of the film’s nine episodes has an independent theme, associated with each area in Uncle Ho’s testament, through the historical stages of the Vietnamese people and HCMC over the past 50 years.

The 1st episode, named the “Eternal Testament”, directed by Nguyen Mong Long, concisely and prominently presents the content of the testament, emphasizing the important and lasting aspects of the content and demonstrating the close connection and relationship between Uncle Ho's feelings and thoughts with the reality of life; with the development process of the country under the leadership of the Party.

The 2nd episode, named “Advance to complete victory”, directed by Nguyen Viet Binh, covers the arduous and tenacious struggle of the forces in the resistance war against the French and the Americans to save the country, especially the Tet Mau Than (1968) General Offensive and Uprising. Through the film, the audience can see the patriotism of the people in Saigon and the affection among people of the same Fatherland.

The 3rd episode, named “Human development strategy”, is directed by Nguyen Hoang. Implementing President Ho Chi Minh's teachings in his testament on the human development strategy, HCMC has been focusing on training and fostering personnel who are capable of shouldering the task of developing the city towards industrialization and modernization.

The 4th episode, named “First achievements”, directed by Phan Huynh Trang, emphasizes the achievements with milestones, which have changed and promoted the city's development 10 years after liberation as well as learned lessons, difficulties and challenges, which are the premise for the renovation process.

The 5th episode, named “The night before innovation”, directed by Duong Cam Thuy, talks about the sense of inevitable steps of history, leading the struggle for the new to victory. In addition to new thinking, it must have the courage to think, dare to do, and dare to take responsibility. Secretaries of the HCMC Party Committee Nguyen Van Linh and Vo Van Kiet are such people. They are dynamic, creative, always struggling to innovate.

The 6th episode, directed by Nguyen Mong Long, is about overseas Vietnamese who always look towards the Fatherland, contributing to the cause of national independence and national construction.

The 7th episode, directed by Duong Cam Thuy, is about the patriotic emulation movement and examples of good people and good deeds in HCMC.

The 8th episode directed by Tuan Ho is about HCMC, the city of affection, which is patriotism, "When drinking water, remember its source", while effectively caring for the material and spiritual life of the people and policy beneficiaries.

The 9th episode, directed by Tran Luan Kim, is about a general picture of today's appearance of HCMC with architectural works, houses, roads, irrigation and transportation,  which have been changing the face of the city, turning the city into a civilized and modern one./.




