Top 10 events of Vietnam - Morocco bilateral ties in 2021

Saturday, 05/02/2022 11:23
(CPV) - On the occasion of the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Morocco and Vietnam, Communist Party of Vietnam Online Newspaper introduces Top 10 events of bilateral ties in 2021.
NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (R) and Speaker of the Moroccan House of Representatives Habib El Malki at the teleconferenced talks (Photo: VNA)

1. A telephone call between the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccans Resident Abroad of the Kingdom of Morocco, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Mr. Bui Thanh Son.

This telephone call organized on April 16, 2021 was an opportunity for Mr. Nasser Bourita to congratulate his Vietnamese counterpart Mr. Bui Thanh Son following his recent appointment as head of Vietnamese diplomacy. This meeting, which is also part of the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Morocco and Vietnam, allowed the two Ministers to exchange on the positive development of bilateral relations, and to reaffirm the importance given to the development of friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

2. Videoconference between the President of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco Mr. Habib EL MALKI, and the President of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Mr. Vuong Dinh Hue.

This video conference held on July 07, 2021 was the occasion for Mr. Habib El Malki to congratulate Mr. Vuong Dinh Hue following his election as President of the National Assembly of Vietnam. During this exchange, the importance of intensifying cooperation activities and promoting investments in high-potential areas such as renewable energies, aeronautics and automotive industry, mining and agribusiness was emphasized, as well as the positioning of Morocco as an ideal access platform to Africa and of Vietnam as a privileged gateway to ASEAN.

3. Creation of an Honorary Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City and organization of a ceremony on this occasion.

An Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Morocco in Ho Chi Minh City was established in 2021, following the introduction of Mr. Doan Huu Duc, Founder and Chairman of the Vietnam Consulting Group (VCG) as a nominee.

The opening of the Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Morocco in Ho Chi Minh City, a major financial, industrial and economic hub of Vietnam, is a catalyst that will give a new impetus to the development of economic and trade relations between the two countries, given the strategic role that this megapolis plays in the Vietnamese economy, and the high profile of Mr. Doan Huu Duc who has a significant reputation within the business community of the economic capital of Vietnam.

This appointment, which comes at a time when Morocco and Vietnam are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, is a testimony to the will of both countries to further consolidate their bilateral cooperation in various sectors.

4. Establishment of the Vietnam-Morocco Parliamentary Friendship Group following the legislative elections held in Vietnam in May 2021.

The National Assembly of Vietnam formalized the establishment of the new Vietnam-Morocco Parliamentary Friendship Group from the 15th legislature at its second session held from October 20 to November 13, 2021.

The newly formed Vietnam-Morocco Parliamentary Friendship Group is composed of 8 members, including its chairwoman Ms. Nguyên Thi Thuy Ngân, Deputy Secretary General of the National Assembly, member of the Economic Committee of the National Assembly, and member of the Executive Committee of the Communist Party Commission in the National Assembly Bureau.

5. Establishment of the Vietnam-Morocco Friendship Association in collaboration with the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO), and organization of an official ceremony on this occasion.

The official ceremony of the establishment of the Vietnam-Morocco Friendship Association was held on December 13, 2021, at the headquarters of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) in Hanoi, under the chairmanship of His Excellency Mr. Phan Tam, Vice-Minister of Information and Communication of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

This newly established Friendship Association is the interface of the Moroccan-Vietnamese Friendship Association, established in 2017, and chaired by the High Commissioner for former resistance fighters and former members of the Moroccan Liberation Army Mr. Mostafa El Ktiri.

This Friendship Association will undoubtedly enhance understanding and inter-personal exchange between the two countries.

6. Organization of a Webinar on "Renewable Energies: Opportunities and Prospects for Cooperation between Morocco and Vietnam", on June 30, 2021, in collaboration with the "IAMES" (Institute of Africa and Middle East Studies).

The objectives of this webinar were to highlight the regulatory framework governing renewable energy in both countries, the status of large-scale energy projects underway and new programs planned for the development of renewable energy, as well as identifying opportunities for cooperation between Morocco and Vietnam in the field of renewable energy.

Organizing a webinar on the new development model in Morocco and Vietnam on October 27, 2021, in collaboration with the Institute of Africa and Middle East Studies (IAMES).

This webinar was an opportunity to communicate about the recent advances made by the Kingdom in the socio-economic field, especially thanks to the impetus given by His Majesty the King for the establishment of the Special Commission on the Development Model (CSMD), to examine the existing convergences between the development model of Morocco and that of Vietnam, while focusing on the mechanisms for consolidating bilateral relations and future cooperation prospects.

7. Signature of a Declaration of Intent in the field of higher education, on December 15, 2021.

This Declaration of Intent in the field of higher education was signed by video conference by the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation of the Kingdom of Morocco Mr. Abdellatif Miraoui, and the Minister of Education and Training of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Mr. Nguyen Kim Son.

The signing of this cooperation document aims to strengthen academic cooperation between the two countries and promote the development of scientific research, the exchange of academic experiences and the promotion of mobility of students and teachers researchers.

8. Organization of a photo exhibition on bilateral relations, in collaboration with the Vietnamese Information Agency (VNA), and the support of the Archives Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam.

Organized online in the context of Covid-19, this exhibition of photos selected from the VNA archives traces the evolution of diplomatic relations between Morocco and Vietnam through bilateral diplomatic activities and high-level exchanges of visits between the two countries.

This exhibition is part of the events celebrating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and testifies to the excellence of the traditional relations and ties of friendship between the two countries.

9. Production of a 360° documentary film on the Moroccan Gate in Ba Vi

The 360° documentary film produced and directed jointly by the Moroccan Embassy and the Institut Francophone International (IFI) allows for virtual and interactive tours of the Moroccan Gate, including panoramic views, historical overviews, and testimonies of veterans from both countries who are bearers of a shared memory.

The Gate of Morocco is a legacy of Moroccan soldiers who deserted the French expeditionary corps to join the Viet Minh during the Indochina War. Built by Moroccan soldiers on Vietnamese land and with Vietnamese materials, the Gate of Morocco is an exceptional monument that embodies the historical relationship between Morocco and Vietnam.

10. Granting of scholarships to Vietnamese students

The year 2021 was marked by the granting of 8 scholarships to Vietnamese students wishing to pursue their higher education in the Kingdom of Morocco./.

(According to the Moroccan Embassy in Hanoi)



